Wisconsin State Journal from Madison, Wisconsin (2024)

MIS WlliiUP ill! Madison WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAl Mornings nnd Sunday Jl HQU5CS fQR 5AU 41 MONEY TO LOAN '9 HOUSEHOIQ GOODS 31 nJt IOH 5AH -Uh-i firm, Oil has I It 'MY A. CANNON CO. Lake I I i RfdcoMtrd i 7 Rooms 2 Car Gjrane Only, $16. 7S0 fi A(itwtimn' Only lilKliil'-'VBVfOWNrit. 1 I I A -4 Uro rrxima and utility room, in.

iv ti lin. Hi iv liealed rkr I nil If Am-Ww Mi'iMM I A1 I 2-lirii ikiitli i mini or Miarutt)it li iuif aiMi man "in1 (Al In, ill nr tt Br Wisconsin 16 LOTS ACBIACISAII QUAKER HEIGHTS l(VI3fH) ft I block from tchool Writ Georgt Mathcson. 1445 N. Koatnar Ava Chi- cao 31. Ill, CORNER LOT 1 block from laia.

at Hoboken 13 US. City water Id 11500 EVEHITT KI3SAM REALTORS 5-0039 P. SIM: 14ffl 3 MINUTES FROM SQUARE" WOODED HOMESITES, WATER AND SEWER IN 1 1 1 60' 160' 1 $850 t-iO' City River frontage $1,000 DONALD McKENNA 'i fi-SiV? 3572 i MIUDLETON five J4 acre Homelu-( on L'liiversity Ave Helm's Woods Plot 20:: ml mites drive to Madison. Ferd. Helm.

Old Middleton Road, SIDNEY ST East Excellent location also 2 lota East Main. By owner Call Middleton 68 i CHOICE LOTS on Lake Monona 50 ft 2 000 Bv owner C. 90.1 LARC'iEi lakeshore lot. on 104 fl Wildliaven Luke Monona For details call Mr rtteiijem G. 7479 or Mr.

Mueller. hSKifi SKRENES REALTY CO. I Main St EAST SIDE'bulfdfnK lots for sale HINRUT.HS Broker 4127 Lot. for sale On Donraster Drive Reasonable 5-4318 i SHORE WOOD HILLS lot. with Improved Luke Menriota.i; shoreline; Must be to be aporeclated.

W.Urr and sewer in and paid. Price CHWDIFR ST. 1100 block lot B0xl20 Slip for 2 to 4 apartmcn's Price J3 nxi KveiuuKS cH Curl 1, Stark. P. 8778- The Paul E.

Stark Co. REALTOR Ground Floor I Main 6-9011 "kuii dino sites LARGE WOODED lot. Shorewood Hills. 3 301) I'NIQUE LOT In Sunset VUIhk 1 1.800 L. L.

OELAND CO. 21? J'aY HK 41 TORS 5649 MONONA Waunnna Wav, west of Fjtther Beach access to lake, city water laree lots $9i5 rip HARVEY LISON. Realtor 9)4 CHOICE HILLSIDE LOT with mafiilfl- cent view Hillcrcst Circle in Bunset viiiiige, t'rice of lot Includes complete house plans and specifications done hv one of Mtv's top atchltects. ni it'ch'ld 74SW 38 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BEAUTY SHOP "with livlnir TjunrYers In (lowntown Madison Write 93 Times-: CAI.I FOR" DETAILS A Dan Countv moat rnorlern tavern NEIL I I EN 8-7433 IOI FY tAW I- II INGjnachlne and re-tnotiii'r 2 key machines and key evenlngs BEAUTY SHOP on the "Squiire" Good eoint btisiness All equipment. Write 249 Times-Journal.

POi'OORN WAGON for sale and also electric 4henter modelv llke new 8-5K28 Mil I INFRY SHOP EAST Exri'Ut'iiir loraiton. Ver good clientele B. TRUCKING FIRM has llirlted numhcr of tractors 10 sell to drivers. Year iv in truer offered n. 14M PHOTOGRAPHIC I'oiicesslon lii local: nutht club, with or without entunmeiit Experienced ramera elrl availilble Investment will pay for 1tsel' a short I time Reabonable 6-6330 alelr Jii 1 2 DUMP trucks' with or" Without per- i Whi I i 31 itdiiiiiii hi nil rt n't: huat vm- 1 hr k.

i itiitalaw -nil hoi i'lii I Jt'l if i 'iN frMTY CO 3jV MONONA' VltLAGE .111 1 Vti I ') nr old 1 1 1 niir' l.vuiiia oiiflrf 1 1 1 fotxiin.ii, 1 iii iKlnir riiuiii 1 with ulnni nn j. rtril' hralltlf (lLlv CASH 3: A Complete Lean Serrloe for All Uona Needa On SUnatura car or furniture WAY FINANCE CO. I0O7 Tnr ftlrtT Phnn 42 RfAl tSlAft L0AN FHA CI COMBINATION LOANS VIADISON tNV CO Ha? 570 it fa'- hm 44 WANTED TO BUT TOP CASH PRK'P PAIR POll MS'3 USFD B('IT TfPCOAT8 OVKR-: ro A TS LKV I 30t I Ixnu PIANOS WANTID Inherit, caali prlree paid (or your spinet or small viprtKhi. wiiiiiun r)oui ft r77 4S WtAKlNC APPAREL WHITE UNIFORMS: 81r II or 11 suitable for waitress or beauty oper ator 46 MUSICAL COOOi SPECIAL 10 lesson accordion rental Plan for beginners 410 for 10 private leaaona Including an accordion for hom us PATTI MUSIO 1 State nt ACCORDIONS 120 Ba'w used good condition with case t'15 New 120 buss accordions 4235 up PATTI MUSIC 414State St SAXOPHONE FOR PALK Excellent condition 100 5805 Piano Small Upright 3-6U13 i i 47 RADIOS. ACCESSORIES i mavis Floor sample con mile radio phonos $49 50 up Phllcn and I Ci'tehart slifhtlv used sets 1 FORHFS-MKAGHLH MUSIC, CO" 27 Mstn 4424 48 MISCH.lANr.QUS, t-OM bALt DI-SK-s STFNOOrTpHIC1 on wockI.

one metal.i, 39O0 ROTARYTILLFR 5 Used less than 75 hours Plow-dtsodrag in 1 operation Can used a cultivator 24I9M 20 "GOOD HARDWOOD CHAIRS In-quire. Limine! Cafe. 2b 17 Washington Avej RUG -9I5 with pad:" "rose-beige. 440 28 h-rd rages with Blinds Davenport 5-JWa IGFRATCiRSAND washing" MACHINES FOR RENT Rent Washington Machine Co. Verona Road.

Route 151 0 6R9 REMODFI ING SAI We've got to clear our warehouse' Complete stocks of the following Items will he sold at greatly reduced' prices for the next 10 davs Toilets, sinks lavatories, tibed connectors unit, heaters: and plenty of soil, pine and fittings Hvluud Hal) As 218 N. Basset 5-21)63 NEW PACFMAK EH SPtED-GR AP IC Oraf tex gun New Kodak pre rlhlon' enlarger. Sacrifice. P. 8131.

"BREAKFAST 8KT. 4 ehslrs. cream 50 Call 3')09M 4 piece bieakfast set. reasonable 100 ft roll double picket galvani''id Jawn 1271 "ELECTRIC KIDDIE PHONOGRAPH Reg. $12 00 Now 931 BADGER PAINT 1 112 King St 5-0322' Where to Buy! WEEDONE! THE INTERNAL WEED Kil FR Eradicate your lswns and garden of 1 dandelions, plantain and other flat leaf weeds Including poison Ivy, m.

mac. rsxweed etc Ql makes 25 en I so 8 OK: makea 5 b1 73 Wards Farm Store 222 Hnrv St USED GOODS SALE itt.SO Mower 74 Sf) tiectnc cawn Hand Mower 7.50 On deplav at mr SERVICE BUILDING 317 E. Wilson I I tinll ipr.t'fn wn 1 market In' mi Uu on ii.i i.r mil Ml i HO iNANCirJG WOP ItS H'i' rrHi'n 1 viinr, nlfl ruinn. wh 1 1 iliivn H.I i '1 llaliiIle. irf-it'tl' nmti 'm A lieltet t-ii than riiii it i lit.

m. hi In i e- twiMMenaiiiii ilwn i ii lis IHinir riKitn wi'l liniiine imiiu' fimru hl kii Iiimi wtt i. nr. rusnuem! iii'ilro vi.i!: t.it.ii yx1' rn'ra In lirmniia I- l.i iiv lilK Nnrtlif irlu I'lrt'W Mlffiir- rli.1 RUGGI.FS lil 'Mi I llmiitif.il M'l'rh colni-i'! ii 4 A ri i iini I' iti room 1ml I BfOHOOM hnm. dining fi'im, living mom.

full basem*nt ttlr lot. fruit tree, atrgwoerrtas, rsapnarrts. garden uar. 2 block el! I bu. 19 3'X) 318) ..84.

IDEAL FOR THE FAMILY, new. 3 bad. home, tfi illnv nr Madison. (rir4 right, with HA tinanclug t.melby, agency orrie e-4M rs 3-243: r. io2m 4-220 REAL ESTATE MART 1 4 APARTMENT, Morrison Bt.

nn Uki Mi, nun. final h-mca Retaining wall Good Remodeled. HIE HHK HOLnii and attached tarn. at the corner of Margart and Bus St la vacant and bring aulrl settle eatste 100 Hl'K'K E. Johnson.

room house mi tt Oil I'tjexraaion -t I'M BLOCK IMDGFWAY A V.C. heautl-ful 3 necirootn home with numerous features nvmrnhls for mors eonven-if in vxi i KR.T4Vm.N IN Evansvlll. Wis oh M.m bt Doing good business. $10.. iyiiS; SlRi 1 C.

Starr. Aqencv Coin I Hank Ride 6 4fH0 HVi A KOMS IAKK MONONA larx roomy. 1 5 rtm rrririfinv buiiaalow. aurrouud- f1 hv lame eiatelv aiiada treea Air-I oil thiimtiKlilr In-" aiil'Hterj -i: iilrelv Undxraued Lams ad- Inline lot and onMonal Kt-e Hii loclav mid nmke an offer About i VMI tliiwti haiaiK Uk rent L- hurl -Pi: 43 1 r.UiiTIH ST nriR ravrn' with 2 aoart-1 merit on and floor town of Burke I near Operate your owu bun. I ine.a liveir and -nJoy nlra 1 Inciiine laii(, 1 Will ronalder trada fT fl inn luime In MadlMon For da-tallH i-ii II 6 iH MiWIJI Kl IWa la an exceptional! noun wiltivS.

rooms on 1st floor I inr inoiiMi inroiiie from 2nd floor I 2 new tile nutria 1 Timken oil heat I Weii ir i.ited Inra Rlanil anrt acrt i iu-it Iront oorrh 2 rar iraraijei in'-n Ml IHIfSflOtl. AWllir a iMKV Muke an offi-r Call -438. I. Hovdff Realty Co. 31 Tiinil Rink RFITORt ftfu- 'i-Tl Re u.MrtJ IP M'klR t-4fH iCK WltSON KT 3 IttuiKahiw Ji.VKJ rHDllol HNK AVK 7 room home.

3 hedrooma Very i liolce loratlon near atMipplivc and bua. Varanti now I VIHIilNIA TrlRRACK lovelv 3 bed-l room "I hee ra Juat a few of our llviiiim Tall for Information I Also Mime lirmitirul loia and nholCei aneane tor promotion. fl 7111 ROBKUTS BMITT CO rTMi -Attructive l-stoty 2-1 bedroom tiom wltli knotty pin ret'-! leatliin riiniti in Iwiemcnt. K.nh fa-! rlliuet nn nnd down OH heal, tin lot nh lure ohk and hickory trera My on net 413.WI0. 311 arkln Rd 71, IK COUPLES Own your own anartnienr In exclusive lititj.Tii uve unit, on Hrei'e Terrace Aflnuwiiiii bv approval of directors If new ly In enci'lleuL tasle, iniiiiiliile: tii-w kitchen liicluilen: lii'W ritii.L i-Mf rl L'l'ri 1 1 ii ilr'AniHi und liri'tiluri iMinliJiiu'iit.

Cash or terriiK nr ili tnila all Mr Pteiijem. U. 74791 or Mr Mi, ell, -r 5 i SKRENES REALTY CO. Main St 6 -0520. 6-63781 941 SPAIGHT ST.

Now avvlhihle fur a larver family look- la for a lint and st ill have Income i Irmii Nnnr Also an exira lot overimikiMg Iwli Mimoim aiiiiiiniiiB tviting' for each flat 1 Properiii iiiiihi he, lusiiein.eil on Inside to he aiirei liter). Only 117.000, lu-cluditiii I tie exir lot WAKE REALTY CO. rVciirii Hank Bidi? 105 7030 1 vs. 000 New, I nkevlew IleiL-his. 4 room horns lnrludut '2 hiMlrnoniM and bath Flre-Mai attm lieil rme lot 75X19U Beautiful view of Luke Meudota and rltv A I'r III INO CO A-64R2 A GOOD SITE FOR APARTMrNI PATERNITY SORORITY Boo Rlia'k (in 1 iiimdon St.

on a lot tmilUH of tins sle in the Unl-vemi'v ana are veiv scarce Ther: nil old on this lot -which will eive good service lui noma years to iom. TRADE 'Mi owner of a 6 room home on tlrenurv Mi, wishes to trade for a 2 or 3 bedroom touuunlow on the West aids CJI" 1 The Paul E. Stork Co. Kb At TORS Ground Fl mr I M.ilki 4-9011' FSIDPNC'E at 207 Dickinson St i Call Mrs. Ma pes.

K. 144 1 or sea Mr lMllefMiu oil pri'inlses. 6-5294. N.lr.W HOME In Barahoo. 5 rooms and tilth Oil heat, attached Karaite.

fire blind, carpeting and ti rapes, ('inner: lot, ell titrated. Priced riKl.it foiiniiiliate pnstieiiiiiiii'u. I'honej or Wfl'e 'R it 1 Bill abnO Dl'kV FOR 1 ION' 2-3 Sunday MiiOci ii .1 bedj uomi home In Ma.o-i tiiuule on 3 lu's Kiiisno. 1509. or OR AliUA I'ING In June Will be lea lus M.utliiuii.

nvmcr la anxious to sell. I In I Mv. flUIIll 12 HOUSES FOR SALE ROOM3 and bath Locatad Pheasant Branch. PhonellR3'iMiddleton. WACBKSA 90 FT LAKE8H ORI FRONTAGE.

About 7 miles frbto Madison 'on Bwy. 51. 5-room modem home. (3.000 boat hoiiFts. Beautifully landscaped Askln B'aar term Call eyesCHA3.

ANUKRSON. B. 5633 EIGHT-ROOM HOU3E8 Two. South and West sides Modern and In good condition. Khada trees and garages aotn can produce income, isnown- dt) appointment onlv.

THK J. 8. allLLtft ro i eSt tin Ft Just the. Home for You! 1 Large Home Values If vou are liHikim: for a home which will accommoditte a LAR11E FAMILY comfortably, vou may ant 3 to 1 beciroomn a ipailous convenlmitly ar-' rwnned klicthen; a definite dluintc area.l lar-je: llvtiiB and recreitUoii areas. 2 lots ot closet and siuiasr Mince We have 3 homes of tlila tvpe which may Interest you 1 DPIVE BY 210 Hillside Terrace new home 62.1 Olsii Ave, prewar 4242 ISverly Ka a 5 bedroom buy ''Small Home Values1 i' If It's a Biimll home bargain you i want-- i DRIVE 3Y- 1230 Mslton Sr 3 rooms and bath 6)2 frmr O.iks vacant bunnalow 1725 Hooker tausiiralow.

almost new i 1 University Area Vatues, We have homc' and Income' properties in the area Call us jor appointment. MELLOR REAL' ESTATE rS-2740 WESTMORLAND New, 2 bedroom lam ln room wuh dining and fire Uiai AJll tU Oil SI ill's ti) attic ot nee I -P. A. possible $13,200 M1VHUY 16 r-'nrroll -i875 2318 SOLD ANOTHfR BUNGALOW SALE. THE ONF WE AOVERTISFD AT 174S SHERIDAN ST.

UST CALLUS ABOUT THE PROPERTY YOU HAVE FOR SALE. YOU LL LIKE THE WAY WE WORK, J. B. LARSEN '15 Washl'ltirton -941: 1162 ONE OF MADISON'S E.ist Side bfttei brick homes on Luke Monona. Bood income.

crms. NEJL LIEN NEW LISTINGS APARTMENT bulldilitf. 2 MovkS from Utiivi rsitj income over 10 per month lmnmli.rte of 1 i riPartmet S4.9O0. i 2i'i Ml l.lis. coinmeri lal property Income usl per mouili from 2nd Hour $8,400.

Bl-AlTIrUL, 11 new with extrii room and luvatorv lliu.shfd on 2nd. litis hen! liithcinenx pliiNtercd Early it MM down ROOM cxcHlli-nt mirdiMi space 3 evi ra lots, titrlj IKi.ssi'.-.' lull mill TERMS ROOM RUNG MOW suburban e.irl p.i; osnin 4 L'll1' I LAT. ti uours 'inch, sciiaiule lieatrmt Plants, .1 cur uanuie 7JjiH) to close estate. Terms ROOM Hi.M.MOW recreation room 2 in enlaces i tiovenicntlv located In Middleton. $15 WO CHA.MHUU A1N AVE.

lot 48150. lm- 'iV W' rruit- xreee. v'v. K.vtuiiuie. Tcrois, ROLF DARBO CO.

Office iBcniisifi Ave and 8138,1 5 MAPLE I'lL'tE. Livmn room, dlnliia room, kiiti hcii brcal-laKt iiook. suidv anu powcirr room on 1st. 4 Lime In rooms oil 2 ctiituilcte -hatha on 2nd 2 car -s-i-rc'ticd porch RcaiU a heatyrni Jioinr. AK )1 6 r'nitns Finest rnhfKJlon.

jlfi.lliil) CHFTWOOD 2 -iiu'l li-tuus here Kach is 2 bedroom hnni'aliiw Excellent fin. nn ni" possiliiliries FA.ST. Two 3 bedroom homes in good atlon. These aru extvllent buis that should uitlcklv RAY A. KRAFT CO.

Office 35K) Evcsnni -s Res. -liir i 4157M Mfi8 Ted TV PAY WHY RENT? new hom-s- Inst, eoiiioleted HU and GI aiinroveil. tiette Llvi-ug room, liucst closet 2 2 bedrooms and ha.h to second Hour rull hii-emrnt I.imidrv M' RIDER REALTY CO '110 Falrchiiid Call G. i aitbj or BUNGALOW" WINC'RA PARK 1 V'-las Ave Flist floor 1 bedroom' and ju.1Ill; dining mom. sun room! jifr.w una Moor.

2 bed-' rooms and a- bath. rU'hi. cheerful interior i-hown wiMioi obligation I Owne- leaving cltv $14 ioo 1 HAKVEY HUUiSON RenlHir fWafl'- VOU AWE THE ICE Home tor sale on Nmili on I Lake Kt's'otisa. 'umplctcly plumbed' with steam heat and stoker Large1 lot and garage 7R2 Mi Fa: land I or wi.te E. Biyjut Mi hirlanii 1A Is I 133 COTTACES.

RFSORTS SALE a KOUM COITAGK i umpleti'lv ltlsu OiilV J3 500 L.HI Central Fu and Sim INCOME PROPERTY SALE 3 FLAT, uptown lo. ation, Good building, one Mp.iitmcnt available 1 Mil t.l lir.l Iv Us eu so 1 1 a ble K3814M evehl i' .1 I EST A RA NT 30 "nit lis son lif Madison Good business $3,200 cash Pier1 Muk. Albany. Wisconslh BEAUTY Resort" town Onlv shop. Operator stiiys Sell cheap Wilte Emit Rux.

Portage. Wlscun- Dell oinler sin ,1 f-i. 4 HOUSIHOID CrOODI FLOOR M0DE.L CLEARANCE WPTVi VACUUM rt.IANrRri-. Ilux Tank Modal Miandard Tank Modal Delusa Vfrieht 3 Mtuirem Uirlhta eaeh WA.HLWUh OUWUU Ward's ftupram V-7. I Montfomry Wrd Co.

Ill Utata fit Appjjanr rn atova, K. rf rtiarator. tdrHim aulta, er tlnnat divan and occaalanal rhair. aeetlonat bndkesa. llgrit pair otllc Oesk and chair Alj-l-ll PtnV'iirnTtiirawCnw prlcea 1 BADGER FURNITURE CO J03Kln Bt.

S-JKlt RFOoNnrnoNti) Maytaos Ouarsnteed 4 gtirl tip, MAY TAG BALIS AMD MtRVlCK f-MWII COOt PRATOH 100 1H all' white natnl. cteellent eonaition 'ip: 4i.1 oop 4UR RrFRIGFRATon-Prlgldalre ft en. 1 excellent condition. Practical! Mailing because lsavlna Madison (70'', Electric City General Llcctric Water Heaters NEW LOW PRICE! 52 Cc-1 1 3 05 66 Cat $119.0 53 Cal. J170 05 30 Gf.llon OH Coleman Heaters Reg $119.95 Now $129.93 jG COLLINS SON, INC.

2.iOS Untvrity Ave. NEW arrivalST AT SHARRATTS 1 20 S. FAIRCHII We wilt have nil as la Tuetday venrrnxf ronaldarahla nvanMiv of fin fitv nishlng trim well-known M1laoi hnmaa e)tif rnma Irt and rha' k. thlnita over SH.RRATT'S 4-2333 jyiKt pTOVR-ntrolt Jwl 4 burnr aas" Bake good tit Can en after 4 por'heai. barTiain Desk and honk rasa, good condition SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON FLOOR SAMPLES WATER COOLERS ReRnlar 2S7.SO WA 238.50 Watlinghoust WA- SALf PH 7ri 1 ELECTR I GRANGE Regular 164.75 frlfidaira Apt 134.75 WATER HEATER Rtfular 179.95 Wst.ncrintise.

1 19.95 Ditfi.Tkirm sai Hf tel. 149.T. S9.95 WOLFF KUBLY HIRSIG "MadO'i'l Most lnerxtinf i lrvr lamps 7 -Way, Rl ACK FURNITURE CO 313 Gorham at Pta'e TANK- tarhm-entSj jThaapJ'. U4-3M. MAPLE BED.

light w'lth arrtngt aVaiaU dreaaer. I WMtlnghnuaa In yry good condition, Morning In- cabin at 4:13, a-i8i. Kees Appliance Co, CLEARANCE SALE REFRIGERATORS rOPMtPLV AL Wasttniho'ii 43.M Waatlnghou 1)894 I2ic Waatlnghousa 4279 41093 ELECTRIC RANGLS rrmMFRl.T! ..43193 1 424.13 Waatlnkhous Waatlnrhous Anartmant Fleet rln Nascn Ohaf $394 tnfttv tiMinn 1T3 AO 47S.PO- WATER, HEATERS FORMER, 41493 8.108 r.nnn i i a 1 i I I i (ill on PALP 9.5 Vlt runn Oal, Klactrie S8 Gsl Osa 20 Gal Gas Evan Oil. 38 linfi li mill HrK- In iitTv i.i iti't ui Nr ir' ir i i'-ti (iT tiatre i 'Ii luiiiiiMliula imnira- 1 ll'IH 1, I ft '111 ItMW 1 loin iiii r. mriiiflvn'i I 1 ml, if.

r.in- hli. brniiil t'i t'im I. I li I ll I ill. I fit I ovelv 111a: li.i ii? I lo in nit eturea Veterans' liiiiitnlnwi iii.li i lull 'JKW sno AppmrfcR co. 1411 m' lirAi i -i i liH 4 rnniiia and tile halli 'minim, flnnr (Israue lu ll Weil I iit'ine i tiers leavltm rlty ti l.

A iih 'in i minis only FHA MMH' Ni tit I 11 :,,1 iTuV -1: II 1 1 1 lit 1 i (Wi7i Ml'trflAY MT t. IA years a an old hrli ri Minis' ii4i rii ikonjil milt Nothing Inllcv fiviiiin itij: tiMik in 4 liera It stiel In' liiiv; irniHl lot A' hid nfi: I titium I Aklt Intrreated'1 a. "li tin Mil I CO 1 Mi si i rui 7': hO'in. near Mllll, ftl-hiKlts AlllltllH rin.ini;:, ri'tu. -lor ill ii 11 I 1 AiH) llnver 1 can vmiiiii i-, i I I II.

I- I 1 I i(' I II M.iilisnn, 4 heir-Min prlc nn it nn) ajnii'l down I I i Kstale ves. Hi' nftNHI snarl ment I ikr Mmiiillil I 'nliililetr- 1 I tni'in ai it meiit on i II i I 'f '1't ii'tn t'AM I 'I in nn I ii Altai hint Ka A 'i i hi i 1 nil Iiestet TVS i ill I ti I I'M I sundry and recrea m. in tint.emet Built In lt)41 IjihiM HuMC I vars nM New sd in irsn, 1 1, shapeit llv-( i-inn kitchen 2 hed-i nv l' ii iMnier- ti iMHi i. Mi'harlaud, 1 I iK II A BUYS It in 4 l.i' rnnttis and bath lull. all 5 714," I AR MAHKHM T.FNFRAI I '-rUiiil riitK.tt 1ml sf -iii' tllffiii) 0nr tikitMifi Ui 12 HOUSES FOR SALE BADGER Bulletin These Properties TODAY! Phon for appoinlmpnt.

We will pic.k you up and take. you to the hom of your crwOMng.1" West Side HOMES See This One For Sure! Thi aparloua 6-room home on Kevea Ave" Close, to' bus. schools, ahopplmc center and church. 3 lartce bedroom" ana buth on 2nd Living room with fireplace, aim dlnlnz rixim and! kitchen. Nw Alumatlci combination1 atormn and screena: 2 car nrae: Hot air oil heat: A pubslHUtlally built home on a lurice lot Juli.

1 poasesslan. LISTED AT $13,200 Live in a Country Atmosphere A cottaue the likes you won't find i for $4,500 12x2.1 living room. 9x10 kitchen. 10x12 bedroom: and bath. I Oil circulating: heat.

Garaise, Lo-' cated in Glen Oak Hills Just 50 It. from Dim line, FOR SMALL FAMILY SFB TODAY Buy On Land Contract 4 bedroom home for on. 13.500 down, and balance like rent. Lare llvlnx room with fireplace: aim parlor: dining room: kitchen and lavatory on 1st. 4 bedrooms and buth on second Hot air eas heat.

GitraRK. This Is a very fine horn located rlose to Randall School on Van Mis Ave 'Muted 16.001). CALL US TO PEE IT TODAY! Grand Location On Grand Ave, A pleasant hotne. newly decorated. 4 rooms on Lit floor with 1 bedroom.

,2 bedroom and bath on 2nd Hot air stoker heat and attached garaqe. July 1 jioesesHlon Listed a f. 413 YOU'LL LIKE THIS ONE! Let Us Help You! We are able to Wueprinti your future foundation for a life of pleasant living hv helping you select the RIGHT HOME lu the right LOCALITY. A Stone's Throw from Ndkoma School 4 bedroom home with cheerful living room, fireplace ana an in vltlng screened porch off a pleas- ant dining room. Laree modern; mtcnen.

Bedrooms and oath on 2nd floor. Garage. Lot. fiiixVIO July 1 possession. Listed at SIB.500 Call us Today to See It! An Unusual Value Located In an exclusively home nelunborhood that's Ideal for rearing children Close to Randall school and West Hlxh.

A brick 7 room home of superior construction The living room with Its flrepluce Is decorated in selected paper and pMlnt thut: embodies restful beau-tv A meal-invltltig taste-1 1 1 II eoora ed dining too The kitchen has all the little things that, makes for culinary efficiency. Tiled on 1st. 3 cheerful bedrooms, sleeping porch and tiled bath on 2nd. Recreation room. Hot air Oil heat, Garage.

Owner lying rlty and anxious 10 sell. Listed at 420.000.! For East Side HOMES A Working Couple Here's country atmosphere on the bus line. 3 room and bath cottage completely furnished Immediate possession. Desirable to a worklug' couple who hasn't much I time for housework. Listed at' 48.900.

Close to Lowell School 5 room home In convlitton located on Ohio Ave, Hot ir heat: garage. Only Lovely 4 room bungalow on Wan- notia Way. You should like both the! 'tf-lf'M IriM ttn.H ISa li.m, I air oil heat and located tin a big lot. Listed at only 49.900. WE BELIEVE in what wa sell and In our ability to get results WE BELIEVE In working not weeping.

WE BELIEVE In courtesy In kindness and in honest dealings. Plenty of Room to I tve Horn with 3 bedrooms snd halh on 1.1 11.11 Il.lw jl iiiiiiii lull ing room; 11 13 kitchen. Steam iiii lsre lot on Ohio only $11800 Call Today lots ed on a i Ht. Listed at East Gorham St Here's a pleasant romfiiriabi 3: room bungalow close to sll needs i 2 car garage; deep lot. Listed at 49.500.

VETERAN'S PREFERENCE i 1 brand new 4 room bnmtalows! on superior St. Cozy and pleasant Lined at 47.900. CorKous View On the Lake A most restftit place on the Lake 4 riMima and bath 1st: 2 extra bed. moms on 2nd, Hot air heat. Garage.

Nlrely shruobed and landscaped Lot 30x300, lake on Lake Monona. Just $13,800. Don't Worry folks worryy about finding a home they'll like Others avoid surh needless worry by consulting: BADGER REALTY SERVICE Big Home-- 5 Acre? Productive land and a 10 room home close: to square This, place is beautifully kept, and' is ideal for a farm kitchen or other catering enterprise, Near Franklin School 11 room home with a monthly Income of $185 00. Hot air stoker heat: 2 car Furniture included. Located on Emerson St S1J.80O.

Income will pay for this! Good Buy! 8 room 3 bed room si home on Hughes St for only $7,700. Apple tree, raspberry bushes, atrswbernes. Hot air oil heat. Lot 50x120. Only $7 700 BADGER, Realty Service I.

I'" PHIL SIEG EL Realtor Office B. 818 820 Tenner Bld EVES- 4-6539 8817 4541 8-8013 O. 1898 3-539 8-20 10 7330 j. 3 6 3 3 j6 1 2 Up to 40 Because ot Urge Summer Ship.1!?; menfi are (arced to redixe our pnc drgticlly tHs Item SPECIAL FEATURE Famous Detroit Garland Oaa Rsnit quipped with lluht and timer 134 73 value for IHH.M DININO ROOM I rVINft ROOM BLDKOOM PURNirUkK Crrtton Felt Innemprlng Mattremuw Runs. Platform Rockers, Desks, Kim.

mons HUIv-A-Bds and many other Hems SKELTON FURNITURE CO. n4JC1n St H-1774 ICE BOX 73 lb capacity, sanitary mo. del Heasonable. 1 Year old U. rellent rondltlon P.

291 WASHING MACHINE, Zenith. rer.ni iiiunei. yeu rarra tor s-3 SAVINGS PLUS NEW MACIC CHEF 'APARTMENT RANGES 1 ONLY $89.50 1 SEVERANCE BOTTLED GAS 1014, Williamson i 71R7 AUTOMATIC, WASHER Ijiunriersll Never used Original Brira. 4i telling (or 1340. Ideal (or tourist cabin' rooming buua.

dorniltor 3S4 mornitnts .,11 HOOVERS with, attachmsnta. 419 fO I ruuy: renuiH ana auarauteed. Vacuum stora 2104 Waahlngtoo jAv 5H78 WHY SEND tour cloth OUT WHFN, YOU CAN: A New or t'sed I ASYs KPINDIMFR mm HOMEMAKERS' HARDWARE 0 APPLIANCE l3 Mifflin St Phona.3-.Wl-, iirijiHH- fAvs-at a real bargain-1 J3 23 FIRKSTONE STOUEH i Washington JJ-3129 I FLORl.NCE'4 burner aaTTanaa' Must! ll jitiacrlflc 3-8414 n. tELL YOUR real e-etale and hnus. hold goods at aittlon Harvry Plncher I aurtloiifer.

1407 evening I MEDIUM 8I7ED KlmbaHuiHno "tsi I Roll-ton walnut eieak $11 Tilt-back rh4lr. rose 4J0. 6-v in PHILOAS, SERVEL'rnffigerator and stove Cash or freezer In ttd. Llka HoliywiHidi: bed's 5 439 30 Capital: City Furniture 117 Wehstr 6-4341 "Special of the Week" GAS RANGES NATIONAL BRANDS Full 38 inch si rang All whit ror-cel-jn Overslred nvn Grouped or divided top $205 Value SPFCIAL THIS WIT.K AT $139.50 Installed MAIN APPLIANCE, INC. I43 Monro 1917 Winnebago a 6897 3170 CLEARANCE SISAL FIBRE RUGS Ideal for Porrhes or Sunroomi Imported from India Il'-syvweitht.

Tterer.HDl Dsld Panern Various Colore. 60 Sxl0-S24 00 Reduced to 5jQ SO Reduced to $17.50 Reduced to $19.50 Petersen's, Inc. Mifflin St. 209 3088 WHILE LAST! Rebuilt eiaciric portuble sewing machines, g39.30 Also new and rebuilt consoles Open l'at's Shop. 1303 Williamson.

SACRIUCE SALE "h' radio, glrl'a bicycle gas stove. 2 lawn mowers. boolt 1410 22 tot CIAS RANGE--A pari ment alvaTV burn-er. almoa new. New Mowmaster power lawn mower.

2'j h. will dem-onstiate. $149 Very liberal allow, anre nn air old mower. Miller or 3i8. ONE DOUBLE bed, lllnnraorliia tress, and roil surlngs.

Vary good con-dluon. Reakonabla 911 Johnson Sr4'f9 BARGAINS Like is refrigerator for only Cost 338: Thor Antomanlc washing and dish washing midline 4175: Monarch lec-trie stove. $85 Dlnett rhrom tablr and chair radto-phnno-granli $13: lawn mower $3 I823.T DIVING room set -wsinntV finish VisV v'0 Reaonbla. SAVE 30 PeTCeTvt Table lamns potterv base plsitlr shades 83 93 nn Pint form rockets He lux 4'9 95 up Parlor full, spring, construction, t'ifl 50 up. Ae and com par low fnices on ouallty, hdroomi dlnlna- room; living room.

kltchn furniture and mst-i1 'iPholstsr' supplies and material, Instrurtlnna given If you do your own work' Joseph Wtedholti, UphoKlerinf Coinpany 310 8: 1tigrsolI PhonS S-34I8 Onn Monda-v and: Wednesdsv Eva SJRK VJ.RvnUH'K CO 520 Park Phone 5-8305 1 i Open Friday Ivenlnv BUY WITH rntiiHnmiei.7 Walnut Bedroom Suites -3 Place consisting of Dtesser Cheat Bad SlKERS FURNITURE r. nm oi. 0 Urf pt" Wfivi Ilk. new. bjrt sultAbU or row FRlOIDAIRE-iu" en rt siT.iiV.r osk bed with aprint and rnaur'esa.

42S-rummsge aula S-J424 h.UIrJ,r LINOLEUM camsnu ed to floor $2 25 su C1 COVERING BHOP no8 Willtaniaon J-0121 MAYTAG 8PECIAL8 459 95 and tip factorv.i fl AND SlRVlCg 8-313! B.Al?Y Thayer Ioldln4r37 Deluxe Coolrrator 100 Ih ice capacity Studio couch. 1 J. 944 IS MONITOR apartment slr.a washing mschlne. stainless steel ton: condition. $33 P.

4a83 DINING ROOM TABLE" round osk 2 2 'ld seal rug. $4: ice box. S3. 8-0500 arter 3p" 9x 12 RUG AND PAD. Alexander nmurt leaf-desimi1 on blue1 hack ground on Washing machine nriwnauie.

rntin SPEED OUEFN WASHER! iised Trood condition $39 50." Also used NOKIIK wlthf warranty HFFTY Air 154 Johnson at Btate.i' 3-0O541 PORTABLE! BATTERY uY'tUXTTMC radios Oisplay models reduced Ct I A 1 API't AKp Ej3y7A ta USED REFRIGERATORS ft. Frtgldalre 134 8 ft 830 USED RADIOS 1 Several mad radio old a If for only 3 93 ach i ii i 1 1 1 Montgomery Ward Jtt.Sut St AnptUne Dpt HOTPOINT used lctrte 'ran'." all wnit. 3 burners, with dao eookar, Otit*tandlnr lu at, 484 Hiril PA1.KB 30.1 5WOLFF is over and una u. VOurQUR FRIENDLY REALTOR iiiiiii.iil iw hvinii ruinii 15x211, hedri.Kiiiirlmmedidt Possession ALVIN EGGELSON 1027 Shermin Ave 'AutO HOUSE WITH INCOME -2 blocks mm Randall school, university stadium' wanted in Madison for Dan Countv for Vendo Auiosonlc Gaiage Door Opener Write Diocb- Kaino Appliance 'omoanv. Platikinton Ave.

MllwauKe. Wis HOTEL FOR SALE $1,000 gross Income from trunslen.t mom 'business and store rental Will net two people over tfi 000 plus apart-i merit No tavern or dining room op-' enu iuri. m-icg nui idinw recentiv aec- and remodeled thrmiehout In ciuue lunnsriinss mostly new tl2 imhi will rnindle on land contract or 1 :4 0'ln rush Bv owner TREMONT iiuiti', toiumijus. wis GROCERY Long I EASE Apaitment, available 401 miles ifrom Mndlson. Nets S.5000.

Prlcel -SHOO0 plus Inventory. Box R-258 UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Besuty Shop, firmly established and completely equipped for sale In la! I'rosse rent. air-rondttioned Gross biiMue'-s with 2 operatois $10-000 8 mouths profit returns entire investment This offer verified by A. and will stand most thorough Investigation. Riimoti'i's Avenue Shop.

W05 West Ave. So La Crosse. Wls RESTAURANT FOR SALE Good locution, and equipment -in. -For. further Information call C.

C. Johnson, The Paul E. Stark Co. REALTORS Ground Floor. 1 Main 8-9011 41 MONEY TO tOAN LOANS Furniture Signature Get 'Money in Mirujte: Tale 20 Months to Repay Citizens Loan ana' Finance Tennov Bulldih Co.

Phone 4720 CASH LOANS $20 to $1,000 ONE-DAY SERVICE RFC lends money for any good purpose You can borrow to pay overdue bills taxes medical on. ot her emergency expenses loans, triad on salary csr or furniture without' endorsers for 'nat friendly service phon or islt our office today HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION 15 Main St 2nd floor Over Grand Ktor Room 211 Hldg Phon 5-8H88 loans made to Fnrmerx and Residents of Nearby 1'nwns NEED Money Quickly? Here's to $3 000 tn Cash fot Tout personal business nt nn our auu- mntiile immediately 1 NO FMBARRASSMF.NT 1 OR RED TAPS FirstGreditCo. with Motor Areeptance Co tl Tenney Bldg Phone 9 4410 Ll' yd Setunsfc Manager Thorp, Finance Corp. IOANS 450 TO $5 000 i CONVENIENT PAYMkNTS OPEN MONDAY 1 TILL 8:30 P. M.

1 i i i 1 I I i KUBLY HIRSIG 'Madison's Most Interesting Stores" ELEV ATOR -ref ldencn. electric pushbutton tvpe. Large enough for wheelchair. Suitable fur Invalid: Holds' 300 lbs Excellent rondltlon. 313 8.

Fifth St. Mt Horeo. Phone 287. SAVE $21.92 SIMMONS ELECTRIC BLANKETS nr- i nrr liAti r- IV LVj. 1 I INU I Fully Guaranteed Approved by 1 Underwriter'! Laboratories 2.

American tnstitutt of Laundering 72 in. by 86 in. PHONE IN YOUR ORDER TODAY! MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT SEARS ROEBUCK CO. till Rtat Phone 49 HOUSEHOLD GOODS CLEARANCE In new studio couches upholstered Fold-a-Beds1 box uprings; bed springs. i- aim ilia i i rrs-s FOB YOU TALL PEOPLE We have mattresses: hox springs and tionvwood bds In anclal leneth ALSO mattresses, repairing and reno- vatlng WLST'ONPIN BEDDING CO 2725Atwood Ave 4777 WE WANT MORE USED.

RFFRIGER-' A TOILS, trade-ins on' new Norgi refrigerator and appliances Unusually llhernl allowances for your old refrigerator AL. MK1NKK. ''The Re- rigerntor Man." 1835 Monroe 458 White Sewing Machines for Immediate Delivery Table 'Models as Low as SL34 Litjht WeiRhf Portables With De Lux Head $142 Liberal Trade In Come In and See the New Rip a -scam Attachment JUST 93e Removes niarhin mad slitrhel right on your sewing machine. HILL'S Convenient Credit Trm Arranged USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS Gs 2 piano 3 2 -door electric 1' 8-door rfrtgertor 7 ft 8 ft 30 In Orxa Monday through Friday til fl m. DICKS FURNITURE EXCMANGV 780 Washington ItEFRIGEKATOR Unral JUaotrls; i usq; tar.

5-8413. STOVE DFTBOIT JEWEL USED ONLY FEW WEEKS REASON A BIB. S-83RS DINING ROOM SUITS brown mahog any; square extension t0i. fl chalra 'NY GArFNFY US7 HUNT, REALTOR -4 rvviiltig. TM1 V) 8.AN Ty i NG mi lTY 'tiNV I leuit If nl Iininv tni iM ateiL 1n at) It Iv 1 In uav wnlkiiig dull imhiw iiariH liiali.

grade: piitiiii- 1 si hi ml and slum-. 4 cen ter; Phta area niters Inrs Ims" I '1 all new tiit'iiea fnr ikm1 iiropri 1 1 I) i 'I lie tiraii flimr contains a i ik r-'i'iu ilinrng naini kitchen 1 'r mm and 'Ihere at 41 'imhiis anil ia 1 on I'ttt (-t ar i -i i. and many Ifi mil ni and a-reeiis Weather-t uiwl'i1iiilii et lr il heal fc, Him mo- Meiitir atr hest. an. 11 tieeda la an rMA "irt I know1 vin i'Ii I' lt.M-l hi tv Hi.t you niav am It I I ii Iti, i.tlie will urprl you' 1 i il- A i V-uN CO anii.nii a i join fVfi ow DOWN PAYMENT iHHiet MM .1 l'tt In ill! It .1 nt Gl or (II A coin heiirnom hutnea 11111 irs (tun 4 on Mecirlc samr healer i 1 in 1 1 1 1 a Price $9,250 It, i I II rr -iiii New if 1 rye Ivif I' f.

iril I 7 er a "SH9 hmni t'nesier Krilipii. Mo D-'lu'ihtful' Spot 11 ttiinii'ea run ii i M.nlrril 1 liertnsnenl M-e 1 ii.inie Int everylliing ot hri'iiu .1 J.ii wtri! niHfiv trea I If i-d Hlasllltl I i 1 s-i mi MTCHUURCi ROAD "Vt-, 1 1 111 i ex i hi i.I'liiNANO WLSTMGRLAND I I'llMHI 8 rmiiti and hath lul ttrt.in ci itiai rui inn I tvitig I aii.inil itiiiu.tt' ria'Ul I arse room on iat, floor ciiii. hii'u in r(M)r il ai. nam Imisdrd hest- 1 lus.tnnit nil tiurtiliig W.ln I nilrr K.i'tetley Awn of )tia invited Call Hull Hill ui I H.H 1 i Ha Icy lim ovih Sons 4iit t- 40 Yl AR" nil -831t' lil'iriHV it i- ts iii''n irnishrd naiin hntti I 'i, Sno down B.I- liy BJHnS -i VtC AM) rlL l.lil'lei -m n-pw. l.i I'aik lawn al, viraiue two bed it.

liJ aarasa Call SEE THESE WISTMORIAND 1 ptn-tiealiy nw homa excel- tetiiii'iiiii. $4 NOI-JH HALfWIN Iroom I "ttii pear laka Vary fine In. 1 i MApixirr1' nn emn-alow Very good Homa (t'l 41 REALTY ASSOCIATES I riAHHlV f) 4.1. a Hli double Mine i losets. tile I Imih 'Oil gmriigc It Is our pleas-: urs to slm jou this ihoina.

A Ko A If you are looking for an1 em-r ptlonallv well arratiged and built, home: this is It Brick and redwood extevlnr living room 14x24. fireplace. I thermo-sealed raement windows, first floor hedriiom lavatory two master beil.ooii's. tile b.nh. dlutng room with view rwo car gtave.

rumpus room. Mi her I tie teat urea. OWNER JUST CAI.I ED: xtrihly anxlmi to -sell. Vlllaga of Monona. First flnnr living room, kitchen and bedroom Second fligir larva bedroom inns 2, inom apart mrnt with Income of i43.

per month ot mSx'Jlfl. OH heat. a i i-tied gsraga. will suhtnll your offer SUBURBAN UVTNO: Flail miles East of M.iilisnn Large new seven room himie living ritniii wn fireplare ex-treiiii-u iniMlein kitchen tile- first flour Tile lavatorv second floor Htit: water oil heat. Terms can be arm used RIDER REALTY CO.

Hi) ilr. Ud C'lll Sr.il.1 4090 5987 or 2112 riHOHKWOOD New sttrai tlva 8 room hnme In excellent: liirntion tlSiHMl Can be rautght 'HlHMit, 4.1.ISHI rash and a tmiiith lAKi.l ISF CJI'AIITY HOI'SK suitiible or it I i a rise. PlUrkliey near lake $29000 -A-Y TO BUY tn! iiinntn wl'h down pavnient of snniii Srxi: will buy inodein 3 'bedroom buiis-alow near Slierman Ave. si In ail ant Russell Associates FH A MOHl'GAnK LOANS till ini Office 5X'7 liatilean Eve WOO I VSO BLlK'KS Wrl OF WEST HIGH Bv owner new 3 bedroom house At-1 t. irlnul gurng No finer local inn lu MUis.

in lot 80x192 3.12 Regent Sr i i EAST: 3: beilroom home Oil: heat. rmT' rase Basem*nt G.iod locntlon 406, Clemnions Ave" 1878 XCH.IFNT West Small 3-Iwdroom home t'onvetuent to all fa-rtlltlea DecuiateU In past year Wired for electric, stove- Good con dition ovelv lot No: rent ceiling. O'lt. asl $8 300 4773 HERE'S THE COMPLETE STORY New .8 and' 7 room-'ranch stvle liomes all on. one floor garaiie and larue lots W.uulerfui riiwrt apai dream kt.lien with F.

dishwasher lifetime no-wax floors in kitchen and hailis blrcn kin hen cabinets irepUre. hard WikkI paneling i radiant warm air basehoard: heat pro con create walks and drives quiet I iril at reel -lu) thru traffic close; to arada schiail and site of future i hii'h school, decorated to your ted on Iliawathti Circle, Weal on Hiawatha Dr In Nakotna i pavea streets will be In by August Prlr' 'rt at 15 5i0f For further detalia or appointment call TOM McGOVERN, Inc.1 nl U.I'fcK 11 O. 7834 T.14 mm mis lines, r.irsl iioor: 4 room I apaitment. owner ociupied. Second floor: Bath.

2 room apartment and: double and wntle bedrooms, for renting. (n Bnr not wnteri beater. Lot 4nI00. Fenced backyard I Mutual driveway Reasonable. 5S08M for appoint ment NEAR SQUARE I 6 APARTMENT BUM DING lust listed I completely furnished On in-r's 2 bed-! room Mi'iitim-iit will 'o' the Invest In It let the rent: pa -Vou over prr tiinnth MELLOR REAL ESTATE 6--740 RENT TOURIST ROOMS Attractive on highway 51 In htouulitmi ample uarkiuv Houman and Becker.

Smuirhttin Wis DAYTON hT a .) ll it with 17 moms. 23 iti-drooium each. Hoi water oil heal Al-o 5 room lioi.je In r-ar. D-tru! PLA r7. RV AI.TY COReilto 6-6717 A REAL luouev maker Owner retlrlti'i' beciiuse of.

liealtli. tills fine 12-1 rooin tourist ur roouiina hou.e Excellent Uiviversitv Ave location I 6-1'tT Pti'l Ht NI I- fo 411 35 BUSINESS PROitR PI SALt fcSTAb'LL-Ilt v.trj.a anil 5 roon. home 5'i miles I i-t of AUcllson IHUAX RFALTY ti 3 -H4M 107 FOOT FRONT AGE and-'new modern building on east side Inlcrser-tluil of 3 hie.liwjis. liiulcliuii apartnu'tit Income of 4112 per month besides a good soltig business 0'iilH dm. in (5 eveuums 36 LOIS ACRtACfc iALS INIJIAN HILLS large tots" with "excel-" lent view COL'MKY LIVING VVi'l'H CITY CONVENIENCE Ad1oinln Black Hawk Coitmrv Cliib on tin-west between Mlridletini" Rd arid lake Mendota Dt MlltHlll HALl umi n.

MADISON A OR ABLE "vVrrt 1 MDE LOIS Build in Crawford Hts around Hiawatha Circle wnere waiet and sewer now: available Ke i our mnael at Office Prices ua I OTTO NIEMANN REALTOR 103 Mlffl.n Ke i-ISS 17S FOX BLUFF 150000 lake froutai- tor Bluff on lake Meuuoia W'rUo 210 Tlmea. ORMF WESTMORLAND GOI COLRt-e, 80 ft South frontage, with t-ewer and water installed Near new i public imo parochial schools and ground Only STiO MCKENNAS. phone 6-0 O' 8n4 evenings NORTH Ideal lix tract HV. i1! no1' fir tbe city Beautiful lake view 417UO Shelby E. Beers Agency '62 Wlnnehago -b 2:62 Wlnnehago 7R8 TWO 31..

sites Village of Middleton on NEW BELTL1NE IIWY. suitable for commercial i DAVID EASTWOOD Re.il Estst. CONVENIENT TERMS, wsmmmn: ii 1 KEES 1 APPLIANCE CO 124 VY. UUfllo 4fJ 77 i 1 aimoieron t-none j.w; evt-a 298W2 Main Bt Q. 4443 1 88 In.

buffet. M.me 154 W. Joho.u it 1 3-0034 Your Want Ad Ordered for Seven Days Is Printed and Delivered to More Than 555,000 hom*os. Middleton Phone 3.10: evrs 29RW2 in sir i a iwitj 1.

Wisconsin State Journal from Madison, Wisconsin (2024)


What is the largest newspaper in Madison Wisconsin? ›

Cap Times | madison.com.

How do I contact the Wisconsin State Journal? ›

If immediate attention is needed, please call 1-800-362-8333 during business hours.

Where is the Wisconsin State Journal distributed? ›

The Wisconsin State Journal is a daily newspaper in Madison, Wisconsin published by the Davenport, Iowa-based company, Lee Enterprises. The second largest newspaper in Wisconsin, the Wisconsin State Journal is distributed throughout south-central Wisconsin and serves nearly 20 area counties.

Is the Wisconsin State Journal liberal? ›

Jones hired former State Journal reporter William T. Evjue as his managing editor. Jones ramped up the paper's already liberal views with hard-hitting, provocative editorials that attacked big business and brooked no compromise. Soon the State Journal was the leading progressive daily in Wisconsin.

What is the main newspaper in Wisconsin? ›

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is Wisconsin's largest and most influential newspaper. It is published daily in print and continuously in digital format (www.jsonline.com).

Is the Wisconsin State Journal a daily newspaper? ›

The Wisconsin State Journal is a Lee Enterprises, Incorporated Newspaper and is published daily. USPS: 688-720 ISSN: 0749-405X.

Who is the editor of the Wisconsin State Journal? ›

Kelly Lecker - Executive Editor - Wisconsin State Journal | LinkedIn.

How much is a subscription to the Wisconsin State Journal? ›

Subscribe today and join and become part of our online community.
Monthly Recurring$6.99for 30 days
Yearly Recurring$74.99for 365 days
We Support Community Journalism$25.00for 30 days
Introductory special$1.99for 30 days

How do I cancel the Wisconsin State Journal? ›


How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Wisconsin State Journal? ›

Placing an obituary in the Wisconsin State Journal starts at $142.50.

Is University of Wisconsin Madison on a lake? ›

The UW–Madison campus hugs more than two miles of shoreline along Lake Mendota. It's the view you notice first, and the view you'll never forget.

What is the financial status of Wisconsin? ›

Total General Fund revenue decreased by $840.2 million and totaled $38.6 billion for FY 2022-23. Total General Fund expenditures increased by $801.5 million and totaled $34.4 billion for FY 2022-23. of increases in federal revenues.

What percent of Wisconsin is Democrat? ›

Share this chart:
Party affiliationWhiteOther/Mixed
Republican/lean Rep.95%1%
Democrat/lean Dem.81%4%

Is Wisconsin Republican or? ›

Since 1988, Wisconsin has leaned towards the Democratic Party in presidential elections, although Republican Donald Trump won the state by a margin of 0.77 percentage points.

Is Madison Wisconsin a liberal town? ›

Residents of Madison are known as Madisonians. Madison has long been a center for progressive political activity, protests, and demonstrations, and contemporary Madison is considered the most politically liberal city in Wisconsin.

What is the name of the Madison newspaper? ›

The Capital Times: Madison WI News.

What is the largest daily newspaper? ›

The 5 Largest Daily US Newspapers
  • The Wall Street Journal.
  • The New York Times.
  • USA Today.
  • The Washington Post.
  • Los Angeles Times.
Jul 25, 2024

What newspaper has the most readers? ›

The newspaper with the highest print circulation in the United States in the six months running to September 2023 was The Wall Street Journal, with an average weekday print circulation of 555.2 thousand. Ranking second was The New York Times, followed by The New York Post.

What is the largest printed newspaper? ›

Top newspapers by circulation
1The New York TimesUSA
2The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan
3The Asahi ShimbunJapan
16 more rows


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.