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The Sacramento Bee Final Wednesday January 179 1990 13- 41 Bee Classified 321-1234 Bee Chisel 487 Bicycles Accessories and Services 485 Furniture Household 483 479 Appliances Tickets 478 Swaps Area I Garage Sales 494 Antiques Collectibles Art Servim Musical Instruments Accessories Instruction 492 484 Sporting Capping Equipment GOLF Practice Cage includes frame net $295 723-9868 or 1-663-2920 KAYAK fiberglass paddles air bags $280 or best offer 363-5056 ROYAK WANTED Message 395-0909 AREA 1 bound by American River on north SP Railroad on east Broadway on south Sac River on west SATURDAY 9am Old cabinet misc 3148 0 St Cash only Area 2 Garage Sales AREA 2 bound by Sutter Co Line on north Fwy 80 on East American River on south and Sacto River on west MOVING SALE MONDAY flam -2 1624 Bannon Creek Dr No-tomes Sofa loveseat kitch items Refrig misc 2514200 922-9776 475 Miscellaneous foz Sale FIREWOOD Pak Save QUALITY 16" OAK 8385 Jackson Rd 381-3141 FIREWOOD: Qual oak split S220cd $120 12cd 682-6094 FIREWOOD seasoned 16" oak 22" almond $195 tax 1-742-1569 FIREWOOD: Seasoned 18" oak delivered $129 for 12 cord licensed dealer 1- 676-1512 FIREWOOD seas oak almond 891-4144 FIREWOOD-seas almond $185 cd 1-872-9424 FIREWOOD Seas'd walnut 1 yr 16" cd WO 24" Cd $160 Del 743-9208 FIREWOOD seas almond del $200 372-1258 FIREWOOD Lt-Haul-Save Tony's 6000 Auburn Blvd 969-9663 or 722-3473 FIREWOOD LI-Save Firewood Co-Op is accepting new members Guaranteed price of $119cord Oak firewood Call 1-800-553-8201 FIREWOOD Walnut 16" 1-652-5282 FIREWOOD: 16 cord $45 LI-haulDel Avail 652-6544 GOLD DREDGE-KEENE 212 INCH WITH AIR $500 333-4278 475 MiSeel FIREWOOD QUA LITN 8385 Jackson FIREWOOD split del S120 12cd FIREWOOE 16" oak $195 tax 1- FIREWOOD 18" oak de for 12 cor dealer 1- 67 FIREWOOD almond 891 FIREW001 mond S185 FIREWOOD nut 1 yr 24" Cd $160 FIREWOOD del $200 37 FIREWOOD Tony's 6000 969-9663 FIREWOO Firewood cepting ne Guarante( $119cord wood Call I FIREWOOD IJ-Haul 1-6! FIREWOOC U-haulDel GOLD DRE 212 INCH $500 BIKES New Raleigh Mt Bikes $189 96)-9646 FREITAS lOspd Racing Bike Reynolds tubing frame ComPagno $500 (707) 447-1363 GI Pro Series Team Mint! Paid $600 Sacrifice $395 784-0304 Iv mso HUTCH BMX tricked-out bicycle $250 348-3905 KHS Montana Custom 15 spd A TB 18" frame good shape $100 also road gear cycle shuttle $40 442-1406 aft 6pm MURRY girl's $20 Schwinn men's $20 451-2283 PEUGEOT Mountain bike brand new Shimano access Must sell! $299 754-2804 RACING 12 sp quick release excel cond $200 Lucy 323-8015 442-5534 RALEIGH Pre wcomP Immaculate! Must sell! S450firm 967-6672 ROSS Racer 27" Mens many spare parts $95 Eves 721-0974 SCHWINN Tempo 12 spd mens 25" $225 Call 386-2340 AIRLINE tickets may not be valid if resold The Sacramento Bee advises ticket buyers to read each ticket carefully for any applicable restrictions and contact the airline if you have any questions regarding ticket validity he Sacramento Bee assumes no responsibility for verifying the validity of airline tickets advertised for sale in The Bee AIRLINE Delta voucher confirmed RT US Alaska or Canada EXP 41 99 0 56 0 0of 456-5709 or 448-3661 Tim AIRLINE TICKETS Cont $375 Anytime South America: $500 RT We Buy Air Awards Right Exchange 739-0736 AIRLINE: 1 way fern ivs 21 Sacto-Anchorage Alaska $225 bofr Aft 3:30 489-8485 AIRLINE (2) round trip SF-Orlando Fla Must travel Jan 26 return Feb 3 $500 (209) 526-0774 AIR FARE 100 cities $128 $368 RT Restrictions (801) 292-9411 BILLY JOEL TICKETS WANTED (415) 820-3004 tit k' PERSIAN RUG: 7)02 or 91(12 Very good cond Swap for rifle 922-5507 Please Leave Message will Trade roofing work for Cars Jewelry Real Estate 1-(800) 454-3216 WILL TRADE 2 lots In Gold Town Ca nr Edwards AFB for a new car or giant screen TV home computor 334-0089 or 332-7087 eves 480 Miscellaneous Wanted AIR Compressr PUMPS COMP units dir 451-4000 ALL cash for 1 used furniture Gene Paine Auctions 920-3091 CASH AT ONCE 1 item or houseful estates tools misc dir 386-1363 dYS 486-9439 PM CASH: Drywashworking refrigs Dir 920-3896 CASH for Refrig's newer-clean! Mr 362-5246 CASH for Rstrnt Equip 1t-446-33001-800-845-6677 CASH for Tools: small or big 422-2162 456-4609 dir COPY Machine drafting table Bazooka taping tool 991-6077 DOLL House for Day Care Center (Not a collector) and baby children's clothes most sizes 649-0710 ELECTRICAL HAND TOOLS WANTED 334-5902 Area 3 Garage Sales AB PAYS CASH Refrig washerdryer working or not 965-1013 An Aardvark ApplianceRefrig Washer Stove 1715 Del Paso 920-8273 10597 Folsom Bl 361-2029 9260 Greenback 988-3939 APPLIANCES Freight-damaged reposessed All warranteed ROY'S 3933 California Ave Cairn- 944-3885 COMPACTOR Kitchen Aide 18" exc cond $135 488-5519 DISHWASHER Hotpoint Good Condition $85 784-0915 DISWASHER Hotpoint built-in 1 yr old $200 684-3595 DRYERS gaselec $85- SI50 Guar! 485-9642 dir DRYER electric 220V late model very clean exc cond $90 443-3579 DRYER-Whirlpool HD exc cond $185 348-8932 aft 530 723-9813 anytime FREEZER Amana upright excl cond $300 (209) 296-7698 FREEZER REVCO Jrq upright $150 961-0711 FREEZER upright Wards deluxe Good condition $100 722-6208 FREEZER Whirlpool 17 Cu ft white S250bst oft- 723-6424 HANDY ANDY CLEARANCE CENTER MAJOR APPLIANCES sly OVIDEO STEREO 3222 Winona Way 349-8555 COUCH 9' beige with dark green floral $75 Dinette smoke glass top chrome bottom 4 burgundy chairs $150 627-2910 COUCH 9' Earthtones Excellent condition! $95 488-7874 CRIB-N-SED natural wood wicker excl Cond $250 966-9657 DAYBED white iron brass WiPOP-UP trundle $179 Dlr 725-5741 DESK $125 Crib $70 Twin-Bed $100 PfaltzWas Dishes $100 429-0482 DINETTE 5 pc Comp! dbl bed Refrigerator portcstm spa $100- 52000 927-7434 eves DINING RM Set Rattan rnd tbl 4 chrs 3mos old must sell $615 635-1696 DINING Room Set oak w6 caneback covd chrs seats 6-10 excel cond $550 firm 1-652-0624 DINING Room Set Rose wood Copenhagen hutch credenza table 8 chairs Pert cond $5500 new MUST SEE $3500 364-5478 aft 6pm DINING room table solid oak clawfoot dated antique handmade reproduction extension 6 chairS 51300oft 889-8525 DINING SET Solid Oak table 6 chairs hutch 51350oft Yellow velour sectional 5400of all )(Int! Must See! 988-7798 DRAPES Top qual like new! All hardware incl lined 96" tall Off-white: 110" 132" 52" Lt Brn: 128" 5100ea Liz 638-3058 DRESSER Maple Queen Box Springs Mattress Dinette SET $30460 973-8327 AREA 3 bound by Broadway on north Freeport Bl on east Sacto River on south west GARAGE Sale Sat Only 9-2 misc hsehld items 18 Havenwood Cir ANNOUNCING Vintage Square Antiques 1ST ANNUAL JANUARY SALE 6000 sq ft of Quality Antiques All on sale! 10-50 OFF TICKET PRICE! 3 days only So hurry! January 19-20-21 855 57th St 452-8939 MOTHER ANTIQUE EMPORIUM "Coming Soon" Sunrise Hwy 50 11395 Folsom Blvd 35000st of every imagin- 46 able antique ibie absolutely the BEST' location in Sac area-- This building is RIGHT on the freeway 784-2233- Visit our other stores in Roseville 8 Carmichael WANTED Antiques collectibles estatesturn Dir 452-4590 Antiques Estates PURCHASED OR SOLD rri! ON CONSIGNMENT PROMPT PAYMENT '4 Estate Liquidation Free Appraisals 456-2638 933-1103 WEST COAST GALLERIES 00 ANTIQUES etc 040 Sacramento's best prices't on antiques collectibieS" 4749 Folsom Blvd 739-1483 ANTIQUES Gifts Fair Oaks Sq 8116 Madison Antiques Von Zephlin 540 Main Wdlnd661-3411 ANTIQUES Wanted 1 Pc or estate Dir 386-1363 days 486-9439 eves ANTIQUE ARCADE JAN SALE! 10-20 Off! 1419 Del Paso Bl 641-0712 A Large antique mall Great location has dir so avail 801 Vernon Rsvi Memories Past 786-2606 KEYBOARD Juno II Amp Hardcase Mint Pd S2k Sell $850 678-2925 KEYBOARD Kawai K-1 digital synth 2 xtra sound cards hardly used $550b-ofr 753-4572 209-952-1512 KEYBOARD Korg 5G10 sampled grand $2200 635-6332 KEYBOARD Yamaha 6100 $600 505 Drum Ma chine $200 Midi DJ sequencer $350429-1422 MUST SELL MIXER Peavey 16 channel stereo Mark 111 $1000 firm 3936952 MIXER 14 chart TOPCO 300 snake 14x3 (2) 3- way mains 2 monitors mic cables stands wbooms All pd cond $104320 (21:19) 754-4111 ORGAN Beautiful Conn Martinique 0644 wcilx Leslie speakers $15000 new Valued at 26980 Sacrifice $2750 363 8651 ORGAN Conn 2 manual 25 pedals S995bcifr Must sell 383-9454 ORGAN Kimball Perform wEnter Leslie Apeakers $800421-8448 ORGAN Lowrey 2 keyboard Model LSA good Shape $200 4827271 msq ORGAN Thomas 2001 paid 65500 8 yrs old $1500 722-5908 ORGAN Worlitzer professional mod 805 full pedal board Leslie MOVING-MUST SELL $2800684-1765 PA Cabinets Peavey Project 1 cabinets full set $1000 334-3868 PA Crate 6-ch powered mixing board 200 watts like new 8350 363-4634 PA equipment 4 PV PH I's 2 PV horns 1 CS000 emP 8150-5300456-9668 PIANO apartment size Lester upright wbench $700 428-0357 aft 5 PIANO appraised $1000 Excel performance $850331-9829 PIANO Baldwin AcroSonic gd condition $400ofr 962-3280 I Area 4 Garage Sales AREA 4 bound by Broadway on north Franklin Bl On east Sheldon Rd on south Freeport Bl on west TREK 610 54 cm Shimano $350 687-8533 TREK '89 Mountain Bikes f2l Top of the line alum steel 9r Deore XT II components $650 eel 753 8005 SCUBA GEAR: Exc cond everything you need S1000otr Scott 721-7118 SKI'S boots cross country 3 sets $100 967-8846 aft 5 SKIls Kest le Sport lite 190's wSolomon bindings S50 Rage Skurfer $150 381-1348 Great Buy! SKIIS OLIN MARK III 135s $95 485-025e SKIS bindings Rossignol 160cm M-36 Marker bindings $150 Used 1 time 447-9498 SKIS Fischer 183 wSolomon bindings barely used top line value $400 will sell $180 481-8210 SKIS Preskis Good condition 747 Equip binding $100 754-2804 SKIS Pre 1200 185 cm Tyrolia bindings used twice $140 Kneissl skils bindings $20 Ladies boots 7 narrow $20 Ski rack $35 366-8472 SKIS Spalding 190 cm Poles Nordica boots 9 M0 489-1399 927-5644 SKIS Woman's: Rossitipoi 175 Nordica 6V2med boots Poles ski rack $240ofr for all 489-0243 SKIS wbindings poles A boots Sz 1012 men's S200otr (209) 369-8454 SKI Boots Rear Entry Raichle Rive Sz 11 $50 1 3 4 Titlest Offset Golf Woods $60 985-4464 SKI equip boots pants locket extras Must see! $150 988-7150 SKI RACKS 1 for Jeep type vehicle $40 1 trunk mount $30 992-1434 SNOW Boards New used must sell 364-7792 SPEAKERS 3-way Pioneer 6966 6x9 New $100 Targa 50W 7 band equalizer $50 381-1348 TENNIS RACQUETS Prince graphite 90 new 5100 Prince woodie new $50991-2841 WANTED Fishing equip fresh water rod reel fish finder lures 863-0587 WILD HOG HUNTS Priv Ranch exc success (707) 895-3440 895-3088 Area 5 Garage Sales AREA 5 bound by Broadway-Jackson Rd on north Sheldon Rd on south Franklin Bl on West MOVING Sale! 4pc sectional whide-a-bed recliner daybed bookcases toys morel 2504800 Wed-Sat 9-6 7624 Tierra Lawn Ct BUY Super Bowl tickets Call anytime $250ofr 922-2448 CARIBBEAN CRUISE! Florida to Bahamas back! Inc' 4 nites5 days hotel accommodations on island for 2 adults! $339 gets pkg! 393-1668 CHAMPIONSHIP $1004200 Buy Sell (415) 569-9501 DOLLY KENNY $100ea Great seats! 454-3849 DOLLY KENNY (3) Main floor row 5100ea 349-1633 FIREWOOD WANTED 1000 cords Seasoned or green Dir 991-4844 LIKE to buy old quilts linen laces embroder les crochet books odds ends of old things 783-3495 1 WANTED 1 Sandblaster waccess Dieselscrew compressor (916) 487-8523 SWAROVSKI 'The Love Birds' 922-6392 betwn excpt Fri WANTED: Coin operated rotary style telephone 989-0148 MICROWAVE portable Litton Generation II $75 351-9320 RANGE electric self cleaning gold like new $200 Call 364-1756 RANGE gas dill oven 19" color TV cast iron dbl sink fawcett $30-5150 989-3718 Area 6 Garage Sales 490 Ws Radios Stereos Recorders etc AMPLIFIERReceiver Kenwood 40 (2) Sansui 3-way sprkrs Like new $1251-645-1070 at! 5 CAR Amp 200 watt Soundstream 0-200 new-never used $280 626-3972 COBRA SR12 $17995 The Ra Ole Place 441-7388 CONRAD Johnson PV10 $650 MV75A-1 $900 MV50 $950 Kenwood S350Pr Megnaplanar 14 $650 Call 17021 356-6262 ENTERTAINMENT Center Fisherremote 5 disc CD 26" TV JVC VCR $900 481-9581 FAR VIEV1 SATELLITE TV BUY-SELL-TRADE Systems Components 366-0178 AREA 6 bound by American River on north Grant Line White Rock Rds on east Jackson Rd on south SP Railroad on west GARAGE SALE Sat-Sun 2628 Bravado RC 5c-550 Health Fitness 481 ENLARGER VIVATAR $70 454-4306 ENTERTAINMENT Ctr oak leaded glass Exc condi $300 961-1627 FAMILY rm turn Wicker Sofa coffee table 2 chairs 2 ottomans cushions $500 797-0741 FURNITURE country antique 4 matching Pieces $225 722-3422 eves FUTON Twin off White good condition $70 nego 441-3078 HIDABEDSOFA Queen sz good cond $150 927-3736 HOUSEHOLD furnishings living rm glass brass dinette set $5- $100 567-0866 LIVING Room Furn: Naugahyde sofa 2 Chairs wmatch ottoman early Amer maple coffe thi w2 end-this all for $585 644-3917 aft 5pm RANGE gas like new Gaffers Settler $120 Eves 395-7805 REFRIGERATORS Reconditioned by Appliance Repair 1921 Auburn Blvd at Marconi Overpass 927-1265 Open 7 days 8am-7pm REFRIGERATORS Washers Dryers Over 150 to choose from $65 up wup to 6 mo wart Frugoll Sons 540 Harbor Blvd 372-2966 Over 20000 satisfied customers since 1974 Area 7 Garage Sales AREA 7 bound by Walnut Ave on east American River on south Fwy 80 on west LIVING room dining rm white French prov King bed twin corner group lamps tables kitchen items Sat Sun noon4pm 10-3pm 228 Hartnell Place St-S500 MOVING Sale: Sat only 9-4 EIPPWS baby-kids maternity clothes misc 514150 4069 Las Pasas BAPN SALE Horse drawn farm implements appliances furn tools Jan 20 21 8921 Butte Sutter CA 82- 83000 9161755-0730 BASEBALL Great prices Fleer Upperdeck Bowmen 825475box (10 boxes) 455-2854 Ask for Scott ti a MUST SEE El BASEBALL COLLEC- 'MON 27000 cards becketts at over 89000 asking 85500 635-7404 BEST LOCATION INr TOWN! 50 antique deal- er complex Limited' space available THE OLIVE FACTORY 6000 Auburn Blvd 723-5969 BEV DOOLITTLE" Guardian Spirit $2200 and Season of the Eagle- moo Mint Cond 666-1294 -4 BEV DOOLITTLE Prints 'Season of the Eagle' 'Sacred Ground' Both very nicely framed 1800 each 721-9755 BOOKDisplay case- glass drs-2 drawers only 8500ofttrade? 383-7591 BRASS BED full size 8500bst off Eves leave msg 753-3005 A01 Firearms Accessories ABDOMINAL Machine by Nautilus isolates stomach muscles $200 Totalgym by Westbend complete excercise system $200 685-5697 FLOTATION TANK Samadhi Very good cond $1800 456-6608 ROWING Machine prof-type like new Pd $240 sell $90 989-0162 ROWING Machine Volt elec precision exc condi $135 395-3120 aft 6PM WANTED: Schwinn Air Dyne Exercise Bike 88-89 pref'd 967-6222 Health Care Equip Service Rentals NACAMICHI cassette McIntosh components 5500-S1200 721-6917 SPEAKERS Craig 50 watts gd cond must see $85of 331-0125 SPEAKER Cabinets (2) walnut 16)(22)(36 $75 es 967-8846 aft 5 STEREO Magnavox console perfect condition! $75 978-0156 STEREO Turntable ken STEREO Turntable GREENHOUSE: 11160 sf Nexus Inc's Bio-mass furnacefull equip for Cumcumber $39K or bofr 916-863-7026 JANITORIAL EquIP: advance mobilemadic auto floor scrubber- 17" mop bucket brutes 1000 rpm buffer vacuumes misc equip 348-7617 JANITOR Equip vacs bucketswrings 486-8448 LAWN Mowers gas powered equip for sale for comm'i or res'l services $54700 944-4547 LAW Books: Complete current Deerings Ann0 codes practice codes and lud council forms $500 assume contract $50 per mo 441-0520 LUMBER 1700' 2x6's $450 Camper Shell Six Pac to frnt $275 878-0158 METAL Detector Brand new Eagle i access pack $725 962-3217 MICROWAVE JC Penney dix Irg countertop fully automatic like new $165 Secretarial desk formica top metal exc cond $65 791-7407 MILK frig milk shake maker All stainless $150 1-823-3744 MILLER Neon Light to all yOU Miller Lovers! 4' guitar shaped Miller genuine draft neon light super duper deluxe S300ofr Ask for Nick 487-6574 MIRROR Wall 2 alum storm doors 2 cupboards glass shelves doors 44'x8'x58" drywall 988-3271 MOVING SALE AMFM dual cass stereo system butcher block kitchen table brass glass shelving unit brass glass coffee table snack table twin headboard wnightstand lamps pictures OPpti ances kids clothes toys tons of household goods $I-S85 1- 753-1241 POOLTABLE wanted oak wleather pockets qd cond reas 877-8215 RADIO-Controled airplane wradio engi flight-box starter $400 666-9696 SCOOTER Rascal Deluxe Model only used few times Cost $2400 Sell $1200 447-5457 SCOOTER Scout 3 whi elec exc cond must sell $1000 firm 922-2839 SNOOKER Table antique Brunswick all access orig sticks $850bst oft 783-0893 SOLAR panels (33)12 AI-ten Os $175 ea 21 HP250 7 bulb $225 722-7032 STORAGE-used metal ocean cargo containers 8x8x20' 27' 40' Also have walk-In frzrs We deliver Call 800-325-4561 WATER filters NSA $100 ea Must sell 972-8009 WATER tanks best price All kinds 1-800-852-2588 WOODBURNING Buck Stove $750 985-4359 GREENNOt Nexus Inc furnaceft Cumcur bofr 916-8 JANITORIA vance mob floor scrub bucket brt buffer va( equip $25-1 JANITOR 1 bucketswl LAWN Mo powered for comm' vices LAW Rook Area 8 Garage Sales HAWAII HNL $250 MauiKona-Kauai $295 1st Class $545 1 800-322-6556 JOE SAIRIANI KINGS Globetrotters King I Buy SELL TRADE CONCERTS SPORTS PREFERRED SEATING 923-1020 923-1039 KENNY Dolly 121 (2) sec 103 $120 each or boffer 967-8934 Chris KENNY DOLLY 121 5th Row Main floor 2 tickets S125ea 487-0750 KENNY DOLLY 4 seats main floor M-6 7 8 9 USea 722-6575 KENNY ROGERS Dolly Parton great seats 7th row (4)S100ea best offer 726-3442 KINGS All games good seats S2750eaofr 624-0953 KINGS ROW All games available Great center court seats $354150 Full season package available 1-661-0220 KINGS Season Tickets Sect 224-N $20 to $40 ea 427-5938 or 383-9045 KINGS TICKETS GREAT SEATS! Most games 721-3287 KINGS Vs Lakers Houston Atlanta Utah others 422-2648 KINGS vs Utah MaYS Rockets Suns (4) 2115 $15-517 ea 791-3018 KINGS VS UT GS clippers (4) Sec 208J S15ea Inc! pking 965-8346 KINGS (2) Sec 220 Row all games ea 795-4266 KINGS (6) great seats all games (Houston Utah Atlanta) 520-550 372-5769 SKI CHARTERS SUNVALLEY frm 56450 Aspen-Vail-Tell frS10450 Pk Cty Snwbird (V2 RT wSki Package) Daman-Nelson Travel 916-452-8111 AREA 8 bound by Madison Ave on north Walnut Ave on west American River on South east FRI Sat Sun 9-4 Pictures misc turn 6931 Pintado Cf FO SAT Swingset pool table etc 514200 4836 Tono Way 481-6507 PIANO: Beautiful upright Waltham early 1900s from Virginia City $850 bofr 989-2647 PIANO Cable Nelson upright wbench priced to sell $650 42 7-3 814 361-1821 Scott PIANO Geo Steck Grand 56" beautiful finish $2995 962-2547 PIANO- Mathushek S900ofr Upright grand Will deliver 758-1713 PIANO PLAYER Upright Beaut refin in walnut recond works great! $2350 791-2355 Great Buy! PIANO PLAYER with 40 rolls Good cond S2200of 209-267-5301 PIANO refinishing Rentals sales Large selection New Used Fleming Piano 481-3318 PIANO RENTALS $29 ma Sherman Clay 483-8521 PIANO rentals from $35mo Free lessons Colton Piano 362-410Q PIANO RENTALS NELSON 485-2440 PIANO Rentals $25mo Krisman Keyboards 1880 Fulton Av 485-5145 1 PIANO RENTALS Highest Quality Free Deliv PU in Sac Burgett Pianos 973-8089 PIANO with bench WINTER console plays od $575ofr 424-8461 PIANO Yamaha Grand 7'4" ebony Beautiful! Sacrifice! $8500 393-9830 PIANO YAMAHA Studio whumidifier $2800ofr Sheila 692-2222 692-1065 PIANO 1915 Steinway Grand (M) blk reblt '74 exc cond $11500 1-345-3772 RECORDING MIXER FOSTE 350 $400 Randy 424-0125 Aft 5pm RECORDING SERIES Red Yamaha 5-pc hardware A cymbals 2 Yrs old $1350 Must sell 487-1618 Ask for Alan TRUMPET-silver Benge exc cond wstand 2 mouth pieces mute $375 biotr 366-1639 FORTRESS 2000 FS electric 3-wheeler $1500 or best offer 624-9457 HOSPITAL BED wxtra healthcare supplies $150 723-1464 TENS UNIT MEDA 2500 4 pads Was S800--lst offer takes it 972-1656 966-1771 WHEELCHAIR EXCELLENT CONDITION $225 739-7451 WHEELCHAIR Motorized Everest Jennings Never used Cost $3000 82000oft 484-7905 WHEELCHAIR new condition Everest Jennings $350 689-1957 WHEELCHAIR VISTA $450 new asking $200 Excellent cond 725-5501 BROWNING Sweet 16 A-5 Ducks Unitd fact engraved Hard case Unfired $1500 1-284-6440 DESERT Eagle 44 mag have 3 extras No awn 36 mos to pay on ODPr Ov credit 10am-8pm 7 davs Hale's 349-0848 PRIVATE Party selling new used rifles: Win Rem Browning $400 less 725-4769 REMINGTON Model 7 00-7mm wWeaver scope gd cond Smith Wesson Model 1000 1 2ga good cond S300ea 721-9755 REMINGTON 700 BOL heavy bbl 308 cal glass bedded brand new in box reg price $625 will sell $475 firm Jim 1-800-397-4913 RIFLE RUGER MINI 14 2 magazines access $475 362-3929 RUGER 77 300 Win Brn'g A bit 7mm Win 70 308 new S3751ea 722-5088 WINCHESTER 30-30 model 64 exc condition $500 firm 332-2373 WINCHESTER 7mm Magnum excel cond post '64 $400 983-2616 49ER Gun Show-Cal Expo Sacto March 3rd 4th (916) 929-71661934-4159 49ER GUN SHOW Yuba City Feb 17 18 (916) 929-7766934-4159 Area 9 Garage Sales ken-wood amplifier KM105 equalizier KC105 turner KT45 dual cassette KX55W 2 spkrs 140 watts eac $800 Color TV $200 Mitsubishi VCR $300 369-7466 TASCAM porta II studio wAlexis midiverb II sound process both comp' S750 firm New 19" Mistubishi color TV wremote $275 Oak desk $200ofr 489-1455 THRESHOLD STASIS Mint condition $1500 Please call 626-7723 933-5805 TV color excel cond remote control $85 392-7174 TV NEC 40" Big screen 427-2574 otter 5- TV RCA Remote $169 KUSHIDA'S 456-6406 TV Satellite receiver w10' antenna Used 1 Yr $1500 1-622-8857 TV: Solid State 19" color $75 25" $125 Both in excellent concil 454-5811 TV Sony big screen 50" 7 Yrs old exc Condition $650 782-7359 Great Buy! TV 19" RCA color won screen display great shape! $125 366-1927 TV 25" Console $125 19" color $90 SS 361-4585 TV 6' Advent projection-like newt $1200 or biotr 721-6564 VHSVCR 19" Color portable TV like new $250 for both 483-5646 AREA 9 bound by Placer Co Line on north Sunrise Bl on west Madison Ave-White Rock Rd on south El Dorado County On east AMERICAN RIVER CYN DR Sun only Jan 21st Rain or shine 10-2pm Don't miss this! 5004150 124 Fork WV Folsom 482 Pools Spas Hot Tubs Area 10 Garage Sales JACUZZI 3 yrs new 13x8 biack marble fiberglass $2000 Tracy 483-3241 REFRIGERATORS for rent $25mo 386-8459 REFRIGERATORS del 6 mo Guar 9621C Oates Bob's Ref since 1972362-5246 REFRIGERATORS Washers Dryers Stoves Best Selection Value! 90 day warr partslabor Neighborhood Appliance 5700 Auburn 131 331-8298 REFRIGERATORS Frost Free $149 SxS $225 Guar del 457-4463 dlr REFRIGERATOR almond exc cond $375 wiwarr 368-1944 REFRIGERATOR almond SxS icemakr water S485ofr 424-2774 REFRIGERATOR Clean 2dr frost free exc shape $200 920-2663 196cf very clean $125 Range hood avacado $50 967-8846 aft 5 REFRIGERATOR FF )(Int working cond looks gd $125 646-1606 REFRIGERATOR Frost-free $175 WASHER $95 DRYER $95 487-7543 REFRIGERATOR frzr Sears 212 cf SXS $150 1 upright frzr Wards 161 Cf $125 ea 429-1930 REFRIGERATOR GE SxS fit 22 cf water gold $225 429-1704 REFRIGERATOR gold sis doors frost-free ice-maker $275 725-8344 REFRIGERATOR GE 36" white older but good cond $125 456-9730 REFRIGERATOR GE SxS 235 Cu ft wice maker dispenser $385 1-791-1962 REFRIGERATOR Sears $200 or best offer 649-1416 leave message REFRIGERATOR SS 28 cub ft $225 Coin Operated Washer $125 GE washer $125 969-0691 REFRIGERATOR SxS GE icemkr exc condi $195 924-6796 eves REFRIGERATOR SS Amana $225 Freezer upright $75 924-8807 REFRIGERATOR SxS Frost-free 22cu ft exc cond! $250 WI- 362-8549 REFRIGERATOR Washer Dryer $9995 ea UP Guaranteed sales service Roseville Refrigeration 722-5592 REFRIGERATOR 6100 Freezer $75 Both good condition King-size bed $100 Couchsectional $75 988-9651 REFRIGERATOR $75 up Plr 457-9063 381-3305 REFRIGERATOR 19 cf Very clean Exc cond $185 443-3579 REFRIGERATOR 206 Cu ft Frigidaire avocado S285ofr 725-9814 AREA 10 bound by Placer Co Line on north Watt Ave on west Madison Ave on south Sunrise Bl on east SOFT TUB $1750 Hot Springs Classic 05 6-15 5 6-1505 ARAM KUITERSI 485 Furniture Household Goods BIG-Acz: SUPER BOWL 0 A BED CLEARANCE 0 SPAS GAZEBOS! Buy direct from mfr Clipper Spas Inc (916)776-1066 Buy sell (707) 425-9561 or (415) 824-2342 0 SUPER BOWL (HARTER 0 SPA: CAL-X Exec Fun Spa incl extras 112yr old S3000ofr 387-0203 eves 0 MATTRESSES 0 Mfg must sell 30 pieces-this week! All sizes pc or set Call anytime 483-0933 MATTRESS SETS model home display unit still in plastic firm full $160 queen $200 722-2459 MATTRESS Warehouse On Vacation til 112089 0 OAK LIQUIDATION 4545 Auburn Bl 971-4625 RECLINERS (2): very good cond 1 blue 1 rust $150 eaofr 381-8577 RECLINERROCKER BLUE Exc cond $150 368-2791 RECLINER tbl 2 chrs studio couch bookcase lamps 447-2347 RECLINER $50 Rocker-recliner $45 21" console color TV $75 Love seat $15 Occas table $15 Bed full sz w-box spring mattress $100 722-7077 RUGS (2) Oriental Bokhare 8x11 3x5 Excel cond $2200 488-8744 SECTIONAL COUCH (2) dbl beds lamps dressers coffee this end tbl dinette set All items under $500 Call for appt 489-8485 aft 4PM SECTIONAL new 4 Pc $1500ofr Mattbox spr frme $100 RCA col console TV $100 end tblcoffee tbl set all S1250fr new artif tree rotating-light set $35 477-8761 SECTIONAL hid-abed exint cond $500ofr 721-4301 SOFABED sectional queen sleeper beige gd Cond $125 391-2572 SOFAS Loveseats (2) coffee end tables lamps deco items all used for display $10- $650 363-9252 SOFA brand new paid $1794 asking $900 Brass headboard footboard Paid $1150 asking $500 Stereo cabinet wcurio shelves paid $555 asking $350 All prices nego 386-9904 Great Buy! SOFA leather brn 8' $150 972-1282 SOFA Loveseat 3 piece oak tables lamps bdrm set queen full beds dinette 5204500 334-3435 MUST SEE SOFA Loveseat silver-grey 3 end Ibis glass blk brass matching dining rm set King-sz bed $1200 best otter 332-6859 SOFA loveseat Early Amer Earthtone floral Great cond Hide a bed cm redwood coff table wmatch mirr 6 chr dinette set Baby car seat exc 988-9588 SOFA LOVESEAT New Paid $800 must sell $400 348-6517 SOFA sleeperfull sized brown exc cond $200ofr 685-8816 SOFAsleeper It brwn $125 recliner drk brwn $85 qd cond 386-2722 SOFA 6' Contemporary light colors Yr $595 973-8990 SOFA 8 ft floral print Excellent quality condi $75offer 988-2240 SOFA 8' wfloral print Good cond $199 Call 447-2092 491 Video Equipment and Services WE BUY USED PIANOS! SPA Excellent condition 51500last ofr 363-5146 Jan 26-29 includes RT air from SF 3 nites accomodations all transfers River Boat party and brunch $880 per person dbl EXPO TRAVEL 916-920-1701 OINP000000000100000 GE trio $60 turn excercise equip sofa chairs bldg marls $1460 Sat 8-5 508 Persifer St Folsom across from 1-ISch MOVING Sale: Furn appli clothes more SatSun 9-4 7116 Van Maren Ln 5254300 MOVING SALE-Rain or Shine! Sat 7-7 TV Bedsmatts clothes bikes misc 3901 Floral Dr nr Elkhorn Thomas MOVING-Wall furnace tank vacicinr sew machine 10" table saw roller skates mens sz 11 Sat-Sun noon-? 6233 Dewar corn of Don Julio OAK furniture like new Brand new TVstereo 550-500 344-9571 WOODBURNING stove new $750 Used $400 12 cd of wood Will deliver 483-2451 WOODESURNING Stove like new 1395 includes trim kit487-7756 MOVING SALE 193 cl Kenmore refrig $100 antique oak queen anne drop leaf desk S175 antique oak sideboard $350 645-3413 it 3 1: a EXCELLENT SPA Hot Springs Model new cover $2100 or best (Hr 451-8778 SHERMAN CLAY 483-8521 962-2642 33 OFF RETAIL Fender-Gibson-Ovation Music Connec 638-2373 ATARI 2600 game system w12 game cartridges $150 922-7769 CAMCORDER GE 8mm Cost $1269 sell $500 Exc cond 3s1-0438 msg JVC cameras (2) 10x1 lens JVC special effects switcher $1200 451-2283 LASER Disk Plyr Pioneer LD660 30 movies all for 5750 928-0701 NEC Turbo 16 w3 games $150 481-5975 oak roll-top desk 51250 6 oak chairs $300 round claw-foot table $900 421-4107 BUFFET w6' beveled mirror Beautiful $200 or trade 424-4522 CARLOS LICON Orig offering price $25K' nego 444-9495 88m-9pm CHAISE 1930's restored extra nice no dealers! $695 973-0304 COUCH-antique camel' back style bluebeige woak legs excl cond must sell $200 457-2745 DEALER SPACE Available Call 4 Daydreams Antiques 10-6 Mon-Sat 797-0464 ask for Donita or CYndi DINING table roundz oak sis pedestal 3 leaves $500 448-5405 DISPLAY CaseDesk Old Engligh $185 Solid Oak Drop Leaf dining table $185 Black Laquer Oriental cabinet $75 485-7945 DOLLS '57-'80s Alex- Ginnv Muffle Appt only 689-7345 DOLL Cabbage Patch' Porcelin '84 blonde $275 333-4278- HUMMEL Figurines' 10-30 off book price 1971 Hummel Plate 5495 966-2622 JUKE BOX 1959 Seeburg excel cond $leoo (707) 447-0473 KEEN Kutter iternS wanted George 638-0110 LAND PARK 441-6373' Antique Consignments LOVESEATFrench $1100 Oriental black lac- quer china cabinet bar both wstone inlay $1050 ea Misc porcelain 446-3551 ORIENTAL rugs firsitAi cond wanted 455-6836c1-r PIANO Sq grand $2500 dresser dsk Stand $1100 sleigh Si schls bell misc 273-4404 PINE side-board French settee hall-tree mom Pop chairs parlor table $250-51000 (209) 745-0840 SIDEBOARD wrnirror ornate must see! $1200 ofr or trade? 383-7597 SLOT Machine 56 1920'S Jennings Made of' wood $1000 723-6469 STAINED Glass Windows Lovell's Antiques 2114 St 443-5789 sinTER CREEK MAIN ST Antique Collective Now Renting 209-267-0774 Eve5 TABLE A CHAIRS Gd cond Grey checker stye 5140trade 361-9273 TOY cars Hotwheels-matchbox-Corgi-Banks-misC $2500 332-2373 0 WAGON HORSE DRAWN Grain Wagon Circa 1910 good cond $1000 firm 916-684-2186 WANTED: ental rugs 486-1221 di(' 2 HP Fairbanks-Morse engine made about 1905 needs minor re- Pair $900 334-9684 eves SPA 4 person wcover $800 firm 447-5513 493 Auction Calendar SUPER BOWL tickets wanted 991-0767 Leave message on recorder WANTED: SUPER BOWL TICKETS 372-7332 After 4pm (5) End Zone Seats for SaleTrade $400 ea WANTED 4 tickets for 120 King's game Leave msg for File: 366-1266 SPA 7')(7' with cover 3 yrs old like new paid $6500 $2250 723-9391 476 Garage Sales BEE CLASSIFIED 321-1234 Toil Free 1-800-876-8700 4 Bee Classified 321-1134 SPA '88 Hot Springs Ravel finish $1500 361-1104 I CTIOL CALENDAR Foam or Innersoring Lady Americana Serfs Valley All New! Up to 50 off! Mismatch drops all sizes Twins Fulls Queens Kings Twns from $59 full 569ea THE BED MART hliGE SAVINGS 0 5514 Florin Rd 429-0933 5825 Auburn BI 334-8686 BABY Crib wmattress solid maple $140 Fisher Price high chair $45 Excel cond 652-9438 eves BAR wformica top 2 bar stools woff whte naugh in excel cond $200 393-4822 aft 5 BAR 8' carved wsink 5150 or trade for freezer UNUSUAL! 722-6048 BAUS HAUS Wassily chair repro Black leather w-chrme like new $250b-ofr 421-8254 BEDROOM furn queen bed Oak storage hdbrd It bridge mirrors 2 Pier cabinets matching armoire Serfs matt Like new cond Cost $2705 sell $1300 965-5456 BEDROOM SETS black mauve almond 5pC $299 486-8501 dir BEDROOM sets (1) bik lacquer 1 white lacquer Must sacrif $1500 for both 395-0769 BEDROOM Set Beautiful oak and glass king pier group wall unit wmirrors bookcase headboard light bridge Incl phone jack dimmer switch brand new $1400 635-8443 BEDROOM set 8 pc inci chest desk chair bkcase xtra long twin bed boys style nice set $350 961-8997 NINTENDO action set NES Advantage joystick 33 games extras sell $650 641-6058 SHARP QC-54 Video camera for VCR all manual $150- bst ofr 678-4617 VIDEOS store stock 550 VHS movies Recent titles Nintendo Amravs shelves etc $7900 part trade? 721-8253 Crossword Puzzle For All Your Auction Advertising (all 321-1234 492 Musical Instruments Accessories Instruction Rent $375wk ea WASHER 0 DRYER FREE Service Sue 421-8445 (Pr 45 Treats for Rover 46 Curing substance 47 Court filing 48 Melee 49 Toppers 50 Wife in Wiesbaden 51 Mythology 52 Employed 54 Dusting cloth 55 Color 56 Relative of et al 27 Photo holder 28 Dieter's target 29 Showers 30 Castle of note 31 Elizabethan song 32 Turkey neighbor 33 Bees' companions 36 Place for a pump 40 Financial crisis 42 Part of 36 Down 43 Mountains of the Appalachians ACCORDION: Soprani Aitreble 4 bass equip wpick up $375 372-7113 AMP Bass 100W Traynor head w2x12 spkr cabs exc cond $225 967-62713 AMP-PA-SAE 401 400 watt $395 30" Amp rack on castors $195 929-2997 AMP Roland cube 60 $200 PV 412 cabnt $300 723-9111 BANJO 5 string mint Sacrifice $170 369-1505 ARBY AUCTIONS 383-3851 NELSON GEIGER Auctioneers Inc 368-0130 NEXT Coroner's Auction Coming soon 732-3305 ROGER COWAN 422-2613 Small Business Auctions Sacramento Auction Co AUCTION: JAN CANCELLED Next auction Jan 25th 381-0204 Lic A1380 SEE our other ad classified 505 ALL AMERICAN AUCTION 494 Antiques Collectibles Art Services 0 BEDS-BEDS-BEDS 0 Twins from $65 Fulls from $85 Queens from $125 Bunkbeds from $125 Day Beds from $99 Bdrm Sets from $150 486-8501 Mr i 2 Soviet sea 3 Mrs Thatcher for one 4 Airline initials 5 Agave fibers 6 Novelist Nevil 7 Composer Edouard 8 Stat for Saberhagen 9 Family nickname 10 Large Asian cat 11 Timber wolf 12 Olfactory stimulant 13 Shepherd's purse for one 18 Nostrils 22 Command to Fido 23 Lobsters shrimps crabs etc 24 Paddock dwellers 25 Drama divisions 26 Shakespeare played there ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: 496 496 BASS Cab-Peavey 1516 15 2-8's $275 Basic 60 Amp $175 929-7343 BASS Fendor Jazz special new $425 Peavev basic 50 aMP $165otr 361-3859 BASS Guitar Aria great cond wcase cord old Prac amo $250 852-0187 BASS Guitar Seville Flywicase $1 50 firm 989-2618 Mark COMPRESSOR limiter DB 160X $200 firm 27 band eg $25 923-9531 CONGA set cosmic percussion wstand $400 or trade for bass amp 753-9011 Stamps Coins Hobbies Crafts STAMPS 35 albums 8 misc stamps $500takes aIIbest offer 443-7114 Bee Classified 321-1234 Al Rimoldi the Showcase Estate Liquidators Appraisals Estate Sales Auctions 927-2914 Bee Classified 321-1234 rpTAKTFAIT617)171 PUBLIC AUCTION LIKE NEW oRnm RUIBR NOAPRIUMOMUM MOM OMUO OM MHO MM0HUOMMOReguo OUROUMINPOROMMAW ImmonPanotimoman notiomonnRAmRA gopopounagemm OEM DflONflhilflElfl BOROMnegUREIMAIWO 01100nPngiMMOROM8 REBRUIBOROOMBEIng08 MO MOUWO ORMM 'MOM UM MOM nOOM BEDS FURN New Used Freight damage rental returns closeouts! Bdrm sets sofas dressers mattresses $10-5500 Dir 362-3410 BEDS twin $55 Full $85 Queen $125 Bdrm set $225 chest $45 369-1052 BED king $75 Full $55 8' dresser $15 nitestend $10 ea 969-0691 BED Single loft bed with mattress Perfect for child $100 966-5456 CABINET walnut stereo 7 beaut wood 550bofr 722-8593 CARPET BRAND NEW 60 yards mink color $200 442-7301 CARPET Pad top quality used 54yd Complete ofc turn beds etc $5-5400 967-7777 CARPET WAREHOUSE After Xmas Salel331-9665 CHAIR Barcalounger Excellent condition! $125 371-5069 SODA MAGIINE LIKE NEW 5200 392-8967 STOVE Wedgewood gas good cond S500 725-8454 WASHERSDryers $115- $150 ea Stacked sets Guar! We take trades Please call 485-9642 dir WASHERS DRYERS Reconditioned by Appliance Repair 1921 Auburn Blvd at Marconi Overpass 927-1265 Open 7 days 8am-7Pm WASHERS DRYERS REFR1GS Used gd selec All Guaranteed LAMCO APPLIANCES 2525 El Camino: 483-4341 WASHERSDryers $90 ea exc cond dir 362-8549 WASHERS A Dryrs stackable set $350 Others $99 up Also repairs Guar del 457-4463 WASHER brand new $275 Dishwasher $50 Both run great 443-9087 WASHER DRYER clean Kenmore exc Shape $200 both 920-2663 WASHER Dryer heavy duty Kenmore excel cond $165 ea 391-1831 WASHERDryer Lady Kenmore Hvy duty '79 Washer: exc cond $100 dryer: nds mtr $50 428-2064 after 5:30 WASHER Dryer Large capacity hardly used $150 each or 8275set delivery avail 852-8076 WASHERDryer Rentals WASHER DRYER SET exc cond $350 wiwarr 368-1944 WASHERDRYER set looks great dryer works washer needs Work $75 set 448-2588 WASHERDryer Sears Heavy Duty S125ea Like new! 364-0394 WASHER Dryer Westinghouse Space Mate 2 months old $500 biotr Dry bar $100 bicifr 487-6870 eve 344-2540 dys WASHER Dryer $85 ea Dir 457-9063 381-3305 WASHER Maytag excel cond $195 381-4292 WASHER $150 DRYER $125 Kenmore very excellent cond 393-1248 ACROSS 1 Suffragette Carrie Chapman 5 Capri and Man 10 Snail's pace 14 Lined up 15 Actress 16 Gnarl 17 Hairy arachnids 19 Woodwind 20 Sneaky 21 A lower voice 22 Swashbuckler's weapon perhaps 23 Algonquian-speaker 24 Knight wear 26 Stations: Fr 28 Germs 32 Picture: Abbr 33 Actor Reynolds 34 Paddle like 35 Namesakes of a Reiner 36 Does an office job 37 Marina structure 38 Touch 39 NATO OAS etc 40 Kind of velvet 41 Round worm 43 Analyze a sentence 0 44 Camp accommo10 dations 45 007 46 Toot 49 Places 50 Common ailment 53 Inter 54 Thick-skinned herbivore 57 Juan Ponce de 58 1948 Pulitzer poet 59 Weed of the Bible 60 Makes lace 61 Plaster of paris 62 Prompted START CREDIT or RE-ESTABLISH NO CO-SIGNERS! Furn Appl 5116 Folsom Blvd 736-2179 362-4188 TV Stand (oak) cherry- wood crib oak butler's table 550-5200 989-5372 WASHER Kenmore $95 DRYER S95 421-8115 WATERBEDS Used new mattress heater liner warrantees AJ's Waterbeds 5441 Palm Ave 334-2337 WATERBED beaut carved country rose queen 6 drwr waveless $350 456-6862 aft 7PM WATERBED king-size waveless large dresser wmirror stand All solid Pine $500 921-5656 WATERBED King mirrored hd boa rdhutch dresser Pedestal nite Stand $450 722-6048 WATERBED Oak King wfloation matt w6 drawer ped dresser hutch nite stand $1500 (209) 956-4889 WATERBED Queen 90 waveless matt mirror drawers $250 485-6962 AFFORDABLE WATERBED Queen A 12 heater mattress headboard oak 5150 best oft 9137-1091 btwn 6-9 WATERBED queen size solid oak heater hutch hdboard $500 725-8344 WATERBED queen sz hide-a-bed sofa Both In good cond $100 each 927-9399 or 929-2198 WATERBED Queen sz excellent cond $150 or best offer 784-2659 WATERBED super twin bookcase head drawers heater padded rolls $200 966-2738 WATERBED Super sing' beaut frmehdbrd htr pads $80b-ofr 381-0886 11790 I SAT JAN 20 10:00 AM I I FRANKLIN MAINT EQUIP CO 1 1450 Colusa Ave Yuba City CA 1 VEHICLES: '75 FORD F250 wlutility bed '78 F350 wlutility bed TOOLS MACHINERY: Wayne 5 HP air compres- 1 isor upright Worthington trir mounted air compressor steam cleaner floor jacks chain hoist acetylene arc welders bench grinders anvil Ibench vises cut off saw cord cable reels drill press bearing press hand electric tools MORE INVENTORY NEW USED: Gas Pumps pump parts pump meters hoses nozzles fittings fit- ters oils fan belts nuts bolts washers wire plastic hose other I I MISCELLANEOUS: Wood aluminum ladders shovels pipe PU tool boxes truck beds safety Aframes 500-gal tank dollies shop made carts I tables office turn catalogs shop fans MORE PREVIEW: 8-10 Sat Jan 20 I Terms: Cash-Certified Check-Will Accept VISA and MasterCard $100 Refundable Cash Deposit to Receive Bid Card I 'i I 1 I I 17: I DRUMS Ludwig 5-PC waildlian cymbals high-hat Exc cond Inci case S1000of 961-7943 DRUMS 6 pc Pearl Cymbols High Hat etc $590 791-4907 eveswknd MUST SELL DRUMS 7 pc Pearl dbl bass hid cymbals S950ofr 823-8339 DRUM SET Rogers with cymbals excel cond S785ofr Call Nicholas 1-652-4872 FENDER Squier Strat Creme brand new S3000fr 442-6417 eve GUITARS-Guild 055 top of the line mint superb! $795ofr Others for sale 721-8674 GUITAR 0 12000 bass ser-E wcase like new $500 Peavey bass amp Mk 111 ser 2-15" BR( Widow spkrs in cabinet $650 649-1623 MSSCI GUITAR lbnes Roadster II whardshell case WO Of 649-0204 eyes GUITAR Ibanez RG560V Perfect cond with gig bag 5475 348-1037 GUITAR Ibanez electric 12 string with case new Sell $350 "BARGAIN!" Pete 443-0535 GUITAR Martin 00 21LE Rare 1987 Mint! 51700 987-1210 iv msg GUITAR Pedal Steel new Mullen 0-10 8F 6K S2100 9161529-4028 HARPSICHORD Sabathil Son 1980 Aber $4500 Sell $4100 447-1293 KEYBOARD Akai AX73 programmable stand $475ofr 791-0786 KEYBOARD Controller by Kurzweil $1500 OPX1 sample player $600 Or bst Or 721-0944 KEYBOARD vinl ss000nnidg cartridges $2000ofr DX100 keyboard QX21 Segu ncer Mqt Selle 371-9565 IEEE 1011111111111 111111111111111111111111111 1111111511111111111111111 MIEN 1111111111110111111111111111 on EMI 11111111111 11111111111111 11111111111111111111" IINI 11111111111 MI MUM 1111111111111111 11111111111 111111111111111111M" MIMI 111111111111111111111111111g 111111111111111111111 11111111111m1111111111114 11111111111111111111111111INIUMIN BONNE 11111111111111101111111111 CHAIR Ottoman red plaid $100 Reversible queen comforter grey navy $60 New family room set 4 piece grey blue $2000 797-0831 CHAIR Queen Anne Royal blue front floral back $75 366-5571 CHINA Cabinet pecan 2 sections $1200 722-5561 CLEARANCE CENTER JC Penney Florin Mall COFFEE END TBL both gray lacquer $200 baby crib dressing tbl $200 685-3116 aft 3:30 COFFEE tables (2) sq marble base glass top $175 Rect creme laquer $125 351-9320 COFFEE Table blk lacquer glass top $150 Oriental table $80 923-6319 COFFEE Tbi commoder walnut glass $150 End tbl Lane $30 Lamp $30 967-8846 aft 5 COUCH lounge chairs TV microwave lamps misc $14125 372-7852 COUCHI chair entertainment center Brand new-hardly used Must see! Will seo $1100bst otr 446-9313 COUCH LOVESEAT Print: shades of brown $150 bofr 371-4920 COUCH new WmItching chair ottoman med blue wicher- rywood trin Cost $1340 Will sell for 750 371-8215 486 Furniture Appliances Wanted 484 Sporting Equipment ALL cash for gl used furniture dir 920-3091 ALL Cash Given for good used turn Dir 362-3410 Antiques collectibles estatesturn Dir 452-459Q CASH AT ONCE For good used furn 1 Item or hshici 386-1363 days 486-9439 eves Dir GOLF Clubs Hogan Radial Irons 2 through PW bag cart exc cond $225 725-4005 GOLF Clubsmens Ping Eye 2 3-LW 1325 Ram Tour rind 2-PW SW 60 wedge $200 338-0659 1 i Auctioneers Inc DR 95827 368-0130 487 Bicycles Accessories and Services JIMMILElLail Nelson Geiger Auct SAC 96137e1 CA 911 1981 (91 4 6101111N104 MEINIMMEINIE4 Nelson Geiger 9608 OATES SACRAMENTO CA LC 1981 (916) GOLF CLUBS 73 Wilson Stott irons 2-PW excel $225 let Flight 4 woods 9 irons $120 (707) 449-3739 DOWN 1 Popular musical ji ATB Mount bikes exc cond 2 Scotts 1 Mario $600 ea new Will sell for $299 ea 966-6677 GOLF Ping mons irons 3-SW Mint condition $250 961-3821 01990 Los Angeles.
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