The Journal News from White Plains, New York (2025)

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As Seen on Shark Tank. Made with natural sweeteners and fresh fruit, this prebiotic pop has a host of health benefits. POPPI PREBIOTIC SODA save up to $1.58 on 2 Visit us at 723 White Plains Rd in Scarsdale. ROCKLAND QEAJAB-10842z(K)b)a)c)M SUNDAY, JANUARY 2, 2022 LOHUD.COM PART OF THE USA TODAY NETWORK Volume 133 No. 237 Home delivery pricing inside Subscribe: 800-942-1010 $3.00 Hundreds of left-behind Afghans denied special U.S.

entry status. 3A Weather Forecast, 2A Looking forward No painful walk down memory lane for NY Giants' Saquon Barkley in Chicago return. 1B NEW BLUEPRINT? In a wide-ranging interview, Regents Chancellor Lester Young and Education Commissioner Betty Rosa discuss the opportunity they see in the coming year to improve education on a variety of levels ester Young Jr. says he understands why some parents may be fearful of in schools to address matters of race and racism. Many parents are hearing false or incomplete tales intended to undermine the true intent of New schools to give kids of all backgrounds a shot at success, says the chancellor of the state Board of Regents.

Social media has been teeming with warn- ings of indoctrination of students with left-wing ideologies, and at least nine states have passed laws this year limiting what schools can teach about race. parents hear their chil- safety is at risk, that gets their Young said. are being sold a single narrative: the system is doing something to your child, the sys- tem is asking your child to feel bad. is not what is happening and not what we are he added. Young and state Education Commissioner Betty Rosa talked about the to ad- vance diversity, equity and inclusion during a wide-ranging Zoom interview with the USA TODAY Network in early December.

They also dis- cussed the big plans to re- vamp New graduation re- quirements, the path to develop new ways to assess students, les- sons learned from the pandemic thus far, and even whether time to replace the September-June school calendar. New top education chiefs think of Gary Stern Journal News USA TODAY NETWORK Rosa Young See EDUCATION, Page 8A A last-minute raise for Rockland County elected gave County Ex- ecutive Ed Day a 14.3% pay hike for 2022, making him the Hudson highest-paid county executive on Jan. 1. The New City Republican surpassed Orange County Executive Steve Neu- haus, whose raise of 2.2% will push his salary to $186,276 in the New Year. It was raise since his elec- tion in 2013.

His raise of $26,500 for 2022 brings his salary to $211,000. It comes just two years after he received a raise of $29,513. recent increases followed seven years at the Rockland helm when he did not receive a raise. He took a pay cut his two years during Rock- crisis. Meanwhile, Westchester County Ex- ecutive George Latimer, a Rye Demo- crat, will not receive a raise as he starts his second term, with his salary lagging at $160,170, despite the fact that he runs the biggest government in the Hudson biggest county.

Ed Day to get top pay of the county execs Recent raises follow 7 years at the helm when he did not receive a pay hike David McKay Wilson Journal News USA TODAY NETWORK See EXECUTIVE PAY, Page 9A Day Why 2022 will be the year of government transparency in NY Michael Kilian Rochester Democrat and Chronicle USA TODAY NETWORK Happy New Year! Welcome to what declaring to be the Year of Government Transparency in New York state. Reporters across our USA TODAY Network sites upstate and downstate are committing in 2022 to pursue government records relevant to the health and welfare. We will publish new searchable databases of these records and write more stories holding our leaders and institutions accountable for how well or poorly they are serving New York- ers. Perhaps most important, we seek to empower citizens to learn about the impact of government actions on their communities and to make their own inquiries for public records. See KILIAN, Page 10A.

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The Journal News from White Plains, New York (2025)


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.