The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

ECTIOrf TWO 0 3 3 3 Farms, Country For Sale 4 Farms, Country Homes For Sale 4 Lots and Acreage For Sale Apartments, Houses, Furn. For Rent Apartments, Unfurnished-For Rent 10 (Apartments, Unfurnished For Rent 10 Apartments, Unfurnished For Rent Apartments, Unfurnished For Rent THE ENQUIRER, CINCINNATI, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1936 AVON DA LE 3404 Burnet; st. 1 662 ACRES of gently rolling, not rough CLIFTON 723 Riddle 3-rm. apt. Key at 718 Riddle.

KI 3270 J. CLIFTON 3 rms. 3rd, front; new dec; bath, hot water; adults. 106 W. Clifton.


JEJS050. H'" mil iiiiiiii min iiinti mimm iiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiintiiiiiQ PLEASANT RIDGE i In This New English 4-Apartment Building 3151 PARKVIEW AVE. OFF RIDGE AVE. OPEN TODAY, 2 TO 6 i Convenient Close To Town Beautiful View Overlooking Park These spacious apartments contain all of the refinements that 5 you find in new, exclusive homes of today. Large living room, I extra large dinette with knotty oak wainscot and corner cases, tile kitchen, tile sink, Electrolux refrigerator.

Magic Chef range, colored tile bath, shower, colored plumbing fixtures, four closets, large bedroom, insulated, marble sills, wrought iron electric fix- i turcs, random plank floors, Venetian blinds, automatic heat, built- In garage, porch, $60. MElrose 8946, MElrose 4545. til.tllllllllltt1ttllllttlllltiitlttilltlllllllllllllttllllltttttMttllttitlt)ttllll(attt,' HYDE PARK St. Louis; 4 large rooms with 2 on 3rd: near Hyde Park Sq. $40.

Michigan EA5007 HYDE PARK 3612 Erie lower room: 3 bedrooms ard solarium; $55. NIEMEYKR ft HORNING, MA 3019. HYDE PARK 4 mod. 4-apt. heat, range, t'le bath, shower; garage: $55.

WO 3333. HYDE PARK. LTn- wood. Second floor. 4 rooms, bath.

$25. THEODORE MAYER ft BRO. MA 0921. HYDE PARK 3268 Nash; 4" hwd. floors, in-a-door bed, Frlgidalre, ga- rageJ40.

WO 4876 R. HYDE PARK Choice" Iowera pt 5 bright spacious maid's only $55. EA 4343; EA 6339 M. HYDE PARK 4-rni; 1st will decorate; $32.50. A HBEAM, EA 5316.

HYDE PARK Nr. Stettinliis and son; 4-rm. will decorate; $32.50. A. H.

BEAM. EA 5316. HYDE PARK-- Well-located first-'flooriC rm. St. Louis tile balh; $55.

Garn, Hicks ft Monce, EA 6988 4300. IN CALIFORNIA SMALL FARM HOMES beat the depression; less working hours per week make It possible to derive a good part of the living for the average family from a small tract; California offers this opportunity, where many Varieties or fruits and vegetables are grown the year around; the Santa Fe Railway has no land to sell, but offers tree Information services to help you set the right location; low fares to California. Write for Illustrated Southern California folder and our farm paper, "The Earth," free for six months. SANTA FE RAILWAY, 938 Railway Exchange, Chicago, 111. In hi AN "HILL 20 acres, forest, attrac.

ground; others all over hill at reasonable 1 acre, 7 rail, modern, water, heat, trees, very attractive, $7,500. PLINY A. JOHNSTON. SY 7427. INDIAN HILL 77 ac.

rich soil; creek; woods; 150 ac. T. S. BAEN, R. 1, Orchard 34 J.

fNDI AN ac. high views, nature undisturbed. T. S. BAEN, R.

1, Bharon-vllle, Ohlo Orchard 34 J. KENNEDY Bung. SRlOobV 14 acre; large treeB; $500 down. Call us lor homes or Inveslments. Easy terms.

-JOHN E. MANTHEY CO. JE LOVELAND, O. 6 mis. 6 acres; elec; water; a comfortable home; $300 cash, balance In bldg.

$10 month. 80 acres; Route 28; 7 3-rm. tenant house; trees, waler. electric; a stock farm; $6,500: $2,000 down. 100 acres nr.

Morrow; 6-rm. brick; elec, water, heat; 4-rm. tenant house; good land; good buildings; fianced; small down payment. 5 acres; Mason: 5-rm. frame; elec; a garden farm; $2,000.

65 acreB; Fayettcville; 8-rm. frame; good buildings; good ground; PLINY A. JOHNSTON, SY 7427. BOND HILL 4608 READING RD. NEW APTS.


BOND' HILL Attractive" 4-fml, St. L. tile bath; newly decorated; 1st $35. Also 3-rm. efficiency.

T. L1LES, ME 5284, JVA 4228. BOND HILL Mod. 5-rm. St.

L. 2d. storage on 3d. Frigid, fireplace; gay 4718. BOND HILL 49.13 Corinth; 5-rm.

St. Louis, 2d; tile bath, built-in large porch; available December $55. UN 1193 R. BOND HILIUraclTve-rwnStrLouisT tile bath: half sq. school, bus; $48.

pn. bath, dr. bell; reas. AV in. AVONDALE Two, to share luxurious apt.

new, ret. av simp BOND HILL Beaut, furn. brick elec. stove; conv. location; reference; $60.

ME 4545, EA 6753 R. BEVERLY and two room completely furnished; 10 minutes from the city. 2125 Gilbert ave. WO 4799. BOND HILL 6-rm.

house, mod. gar. $55. JOE P. SIBCY.

ME 6785-ME 0046. FSHEST 4 and 5 room homc-tvpe suites. $65 to $125 THE NEW ROSEDALE, ROSED ALE NEAR FOREST AVE. CITY 410 8th stTl one room and kitchen; private bath. PA 6142.

CLIFTON NEW ADMIRAL Beautiful furn. 2 and 3-rm. apts roomy closets; cxclus. loca. lease to reliable tenant, 3433 Clifton.Apt.112.

CLIFTON 6-rm. strictly nicely turn- lshed; 2 large $85; UN 0851. CLIFTON Ohio; 4 1st; bath, heat, $50. PA 4647. effic.

attraV- tively furnished; all conv. AV 2399 W. CLIFTON 3 everything furnished $30 conv. location. AVon 5858 J.

CLIFTON 212 Calhoun nr. U. lovely 2-room modern; $40. COLLEGE HILL Meryton pi. beautiful, 7 rooms; 6 months, $100 month.

WO 3121, MA 0398. COVINGTON Attr 2-rm. steam hot water, bath.HE 7749 W. COViNGTON icicricy tile "bath refrigeration. 1706 Scott.

HE 5109 R. COVINGTON VnwL loc. $35. HE0352 J. CO VINGTON 2 1 6 Garra rd Manor 3 and 4 rm.

steam heat private bath. COVINGTON Small furnished apartment. Ill W. Fourth st. EVANSTON 3617 Bevis 6 bath; newly papered; low rent.

MA 6556. 3VANSTON Leaving city; large modern twin beds; adults. JE 8042. FAIRMOUNT, N. 1717 Pulte 3 large 1st floor; Inside toilet.

KI 4953 M. FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS 2409 Fairview 3 elec, gas, Refrlg. $45; adults. FT. THOMASBeautlfuTiy-furnished bungalow, 2 bedrooms, tile bath, 1st floor; maid's room, 2nd; reasonable to desirable party.

HI 0504 J. FT. THOMAS 5 rooms; car line; HI 084C R. HI 1605. garage, GLENDALE A most charming little 3-room.

coUage; very attractively furnished: exclusive section; $75. MORTON BRUCEVA2222. HYDE PARK Zumstein cheerful 7-room home; nicvly furnished; unusually convenient location: A05. OSCAR K. BAUMAN EA 4343, EA 6339 M.

HYDE PARK Business women share all aot. reasonable; good neighborhood. EA 0469 J. HYDE PARK Attractively furnished 5 heal, tile bath, complete; $80 to right party. AV 4718.

HYDE PARK Modern 5-rm. furn. bungalow; hdw. tile bath; garage; conv. to square; $60.

MA 1181. HDEPARkBeautifur3 1st; tile bath, shower, heat; garage. WO 5069 W. HYDE PARK 7-room brick; beautifully lot EAst 7203. HYDE- PARK Dec.

to April; 6-rm. brick house; best section; rels. BR 1513 J. LEAVING-CITY will rent my spacious mod. steam-heated apt.

to reliable tenants: reas. AV 0565. A 1 I 1 1 1 5 rm 2nd; fur-nished and decorated; reas. AV 2741 or SO S067 W. MT.

AUBURN 273 McCormick: ideal loc; 10 min. city: choice 2-rm. effic: dr. -bed; bath; linens, silver; elec, gas, heat; adults; $9.50 week. JE 7743.

MT! AUBURN512 Channiiig, 3 cozy bath, furn. everything. AV 3651 J. MT. AUBURN 2048 Auburn ave.

3 beautiful large rooms and Frig-idaire; adults; 5 mlns. F. MT. AUBURN 149 Goethe 2 light front private toilet; adults; reasonable. MT.

AUBURN 255 Albion; 1 rm. heat; compl. furn. gas, elec gar. AV 2391 W.

MT. AUBURN 2201 Reading rd. 2-rm. efficiency; nicely furnished. PA 5995.

MT. AUBURN 260 Earnshaw, nr. Christ Hos. 4 bath, Frigid. AV 6499 M.

NFWPORT Marquette. 543 E. 4th st. SO 2824 W. Bt'm ht.

pr. baths; low rent; tel. NORTHSIDE 2 rooms; modern; available December $8 per week. Address Box 121, care The Enquirer. NORWOOD Cozy 2, large bedroom; twin beds and kitchen; compl.

adults. 3932 Llndley nr. Main ana Williams. ME 7789. NORWOOD HEIGHTS 5-rm.

mod. house; nicely furnished; $60. WO 6605 NORWOOD, S. 3950 Elsmere; 3 2nd; sep. bath; priv.

home; elec, heat, phone, adults: $45. ME 5128. NORWOOD 2132 filane'; beaut, phone, gas, elec, heat, gar. E7BH NORWOOD 3814 Floral; 2 light adults; modern; 1st floor; $6.00. NORWOOD 2-ROOM APARTMENT; GA-RAGE.

4523 FRANKLIN. OAKLEY 2-room furnished apartment. Apt. 5, 3108 RoberLson ave. Town kious 506 E.

Fourth Lytle Park Sq. Apartments Furnislied and Unfurnished Phone; MAin 4152. FLRASANT RIDGE Exclusive locat Ion 7-room house, furnished complete; 2 baths; 2 gentlemen; owners desire to retain one room; references required. Address Box 32. care The Enquirer.

PRi EH I L.L82 1E I beron Ho ve 1 y3rms7; heat, I it; fit, gas, garage; 15 minute to city. WA 5.778. RACE ST. 1823 Four nice rooms, first floor Inside toilet; $18. San Carlos Madison Rd.

And Bedford; 3-room efficiency completely lurnlshed; reference. WO 0496 J. SILVERTON--2 "rms.T1 reception" fuMy furn. LOcuFt 7420 M. STUDIO RM.

Use busi. person. MO 0910 morn, or after 6. THE PRESIDENT READING ROAD. AT GREENWOOD.

Permanent as well ai transient guest. SOUNDPROOF DINING ROOM FIREPROOF GARAGE 1, 2, 3, and 4 rooms completely furnished efficiency apartments; $05 to $90, Complete service if desired, UNIversity 2062-2063. JAY JAFFE, Mgr. An Address or Distinction. Walnut Hills Krug Bldg.

Woodburn and Clayton; 4-rm. completely furnished; reference. Wo 0862. WALNUT HILLS River "view; 3 bedroom's 2 baths, maid's, bath, hot-water heat; lease $100 month; adults. WO 3121, MA 039.

WALNUT HILLS 2542 Moorman; attractive 1 and 3 rm. elec. priv. baths; heat; adults; nr, cars. WALNUT Furnished" priv.

bath, shower, heat, wjler, light, garage. WO 1408. WALNUT HILLS 5 1st "Frigid. steam completely monthi sub-lease; S60. AV4718.

WA LNuThYlL8-920 Morris st7; 3 rms. hath, radio; steam heat; 2d apt. $13 month. A I.NUf" 1 1 1 LLS kit'nte, 3 closets; homelike; reas. adults.

2ti.8 Kemper lane. WO 73R5 WALNUT HILLS-PA 2700; kitchen" and two bedrooms, together or seperate. 11 BellaVlsta plarf WALNUT HILLS 2326 Kenton: cozy 2- rm.and kitchenette; 1st front. WALNUT H1LLS--3 "tiathroomT gar. 2349 Concord rent reasonable.

WALNufHtLLS -931 Nassau efflcTTel'ec range; fine loc. WALNUT HILLS 2 large bath; mod. reas. S62 Windsor, WO 4890 i. I I 1 i 1 a To larm laud, with a road running mrougn the farm making It possible to divide Into two farms; situated on a state highway about 45 miles from Cincinnati; offered at a bargain price of $35 per acre; requiring $5,000 cash and convenient terms on the balance.

Phone 2350 for appointment to see this farm before It Is sold to someone else. E. E. TERRELL, Wilmington, Ohio. 2 ACRES Ohio Pike; small pay ment down, bal.

like rent; 3-rm. nouse, almost new; 2 poultry houses; garage; elec. In all. Also new 5-rm. house; garage; elec; land to suit purchaser; pay like rent.

FARMS All sizes; suitable for all pur- pones; few to trade. JOE McLEAN, AMELIA, OH10 corn farm, 240 acres; on U. S. highway, l'4 miles high scnooi xown, depot; all tillable, dandy pasture and crop land; excellent 7-rm. home, new 60-ft.

barn, all outbuildings; equipped; with toois, 60 Bheep, horse, cow, $8,200, terms to suit. C. M. CARBY, 111 S. Dixie, Elizabethtown, Ky.

121 ACRES Well Improved; one-half mile of Courthouse, Lebanon; on siaie rouo, level to rolling land; this farm priced to hcII Va cash. 37 Acres 30 miles of Cincinnati, on state road. In small village; improved wnn good 8-room brick house; furnace, electric and water; 2-story storeroom, 30x85', all kinds of outbuildings; good limestone land; wonderful location for business as well as farming; price $3,750, $1,000 cash; building Insured for $6,500. EU-BANKS REALTY 3112 Durrell. Phone WO 7084.

70 ACRES Good land, no waste; excellent 7-room brick, all water, woods; nice location; $4,500. 1014 acres, excellent highway farm, well handy Cinti. $2,500. $500 down. HUTSON REAL ESTATE, Amelia.

Ohio. 10 BEAUTI FUL ACRES Mostly woodland, on improved highway, 15 min. drive past College Hill, 40 min. from Gov. sq.

beautiful 8-rm. mod. brick home; slate roof; dbl. gar. BECKER, KI 2600-0488.

20 ACRES Good ground, good fences, creek and never-failing water; five-room house, bam and outbuildings; grocery truck and school bus pass door; $900; 3 miles northwest from Osgood, Route PA UL MAYERSON. Rapid" Run pike; ml. from car and near city limits; 5-rm. old col. br.

large barn; a desirable place to live; plot Is just proper dimensions 10 suumvuic. There Is a luture In this piece of land. The price Is low $6,000. WARREN K. RCHARDS, 211 E.

Fourth MA 0384. 18 ACRES GOOD LAND 4-room house cellar, fuel house, poultry house, barn 40x60 2 acres orchard; $1,400, part cash. 85 a. with all improvements; $2,800, part cash. For farm bargains see SNIDER REALTY Bethel, O.

Ph. 1061 35 ACRES near Lebanon; good road; school, bus; good 4-room house, cellar, electric; 3 other nice view; fencing fair; Vi of corn crop; for quick sale, $2,600, financed. Call MElrose 1980 or see CHAS. WIE8SMANN, Morrow, Ohio. 380 ACRES Deep black soli; Warren County: 5-year average 85 bu.

corn per acre: wheat In proportion. 75 acres; ash forest; 2 tenant houses; $80 per acre. Four more large ones. PLINY A. JOHNSTON.

SY 7427. 21 ACRES In a high location 12 miles from Fountain square; small lake, 6-rm. frame house, barn, fruit, pasture, and good tillable SOU; only $5,500. OSCAR E. BAU-MAIN CO.

EA 4343-6339 M. 133 ACRES Nr. Mason; brick house; 2 barns; electric; 15-acre woods; $6,000. 65 Acres; 7-rm. mod.

house; new barn; good soli. lu P.KRjraMason 26 JU 7 acre; cor. Murdock and Goshen pk. elec; barn; fruit. Rourke, 4555 Main.

JE 0006, ME 6745, 11 ACRES, including modern 5-rm. home; large screened porch; beauliful fruit trees', on paved highway. KI 4508. 117 A. on Cln.

pike near Lebanon; real bargain; easily financed. Write or phone GEO. HENKLE, Lebanon, Ohio. 60" "house andbarir Mt. Heahhy; $6,500.

Do 339 3. 50 ACRES 7-room Irame; city wat'r, woods; gorgeous view. HUST, MO 1131. 4-A. Rent, Farms, Country Homes.

COUNTRY HOME 8 fully sol. upstairs and down; hdwd. 1 acre, flower garden; city water; paved highway; near city; $35. Phons A 8312, 9 to 4 week days. RIDGEWAY RD.

Nr. Hartwell, last house; 5-rm. col. 35 a. $50.

VA 2997 W. SIX-RM. house; 4 acres; hen-house; on main highway; $45. JA 7675. 1 SIX-RM.

house; 4 acres; henhouse; on main highway; $15. A 7675. 3 6 city water, elec, $30; 3 to 25 a. for sale. 591 West Fork.

Lots and Acreage For Salt PRICE HILL Foley between Ander son Ferry rd. and Neeb ra. 15 acres oi rolling land; partly wooded; creek runs through wooded section; small road frontage on concrete highway, with city water and electric; most of the property lies back from the main road; property Is fenced, but there are no other improvements; wonderful view of surrounding country from main part of farm; only 8 honest miles (about 15 minutes drive) to heart of city closer than most of our suburbs. If you are looking for an acreage tract for a country home close to the city, we believe this property will appeal to you. Price $150 per are, whirh ts far below tne price asked for any land in tne vicinitv.

ST A HM ANN-GRAVES, CHerry 2682 (Sunday, WAbash 2567 RIDGEWOOD (On Ridge 410 mile n. w. of traffic light at Rides and Montgomery). New street and sewer being built; beautiful views in this desiraDle environment oi new homes. LOTS PRICED TO SELL Convenient terms; no assessments; all im provements in.

See Mr. Madden at the end of Rldgewood ave. today from 3 to 5. maiit. rrto FRED.KA.SCHMIDT CO.

ATTENTION, SUBDIVIDERS 60 ACRES will make 300 lots; street already made; gas, water, sewers, elec. are In; present frontage alone will sell for more than price entire 60 acres. Financing assured. J. F.

O'BRIEN CO. Provident Bank Building. CH 6717. ACREAGE 3 acres, improved, at Green-hills project; sell cheap. SOulh 0310 W.

AVONDALE Alaska, nr. Glenwood; lot 50x218; $1,000. UN 0130. BEXUTIFUITmT High elevation; eastern section of the city; 100x301) $1,000. Call LEWIS CASEY, WO 5866 or MA 1780, BOND HILL CATALINA AVE.

Choice home site, 50x153; near bus, schools; $1,600. CHAS. S. FAXON, REALTOR. EA 0561K BOND HILLReading overlooking Hillcrest Country Club; 60x150; $1,500.

LO 7383 M. BOND HILL Roselawn, Scotwood lot for sale; will sacrifice for quick sale. DOUGLASS G. HIGH, ME 2100. BOND HILL Buy now, save difference; $1,600 up.


HARTH SONS FIRST NATIONAL BANK MAINJ306; MAIN 6255. CLIFTON Nr. Clifton and Ludlow; excellent site for first time offered; reasonable; will build and finance for Investor. Mr. McCall, VA 2233, or WAR-REN E.

RICHARD3 MA 0384. CLIFTON. Clifton Hills Terrace; lot 70x170 fine view; out-of-town owner. MAin 6660. COLLHIE-HILL Belmont ave, several excellent home sites; restricted; priced right.

OWNER, KI 1822. EXCLUSIVE ROSE HILL LOTS FOR SALE, MA 430 FT. MITCHELL, KENTUCKY. Ashton at Bcechwood School; $30 ft. Aroadia $35 per foot.

Edgewood, $750 up; opp. new high school. FT. MITCHELL REALTY CO. HI 1588.

HI 0151. HYDE PARK EA3I" -Tusculum Heights: large beautiful lots; some with nvor views; in exclusive neighborhoods; all reasonably priced. HAROLD ROE SMITH EA6T EIGHTH ST. Beautiful home sites; best locations; reasonable: now's the time to htiv Mr. Wallace.

THE WARRKN E. RICHARDS MA 0381. Sunday and evening 7374. HYDE PARK EILEEN DRIVE. Beautltul lot, J5x150.

OWNER. JE 5719. HYDE "PARK Klleour District; 'very desirable lots: $40 per foot. SADIE COOK, ME 4960, JE0342. 62WxT30 $35 per ft.

MR. DcCARLIS, MAin 2729. KENWOOD RD. Restricted sub-dlv. a real opportunity for a live builder; Terms.

Call PHILIP NATHAN, AV 4558. 2 CLIFTON Nr. U. C. 3 to 6-rm.

modern apartments; $45 up. AV 2399 W. CLIFTON 28f9 Stratford; 4 1st; gar. AV 2741 or SO 3067 W. CLIFTON HEIGHTS 2616 University ct.

5 lower, St. L. close to University and high school; garage. AV 6032 after 3:30 p. m.

All day Sunday. CLIFTON HEIGHTS 210 Emming 3 2nd heat, hot water. CH 4105. CLIFTON HEIGHTS 2215 Ohio; 23-rm. private bath; stoker heat; clean.

CLIFTON HEIGHTS 52 Graham; 3 rm. apt. priv. path: 1st fir; adults; ret. CLIFTON HEIGHTS 2510 Clifton; 3 open.

PA 4054. CLIFTON HGTS. 303 Calhoun; light rooms, $15. CHerry 3430. 2 large CLIFTON HGTS 2413 Ohio; 4 1st; bath, heat $40.

PA 4647. COLLEGE HILL Finest 5-room apt. in C. H. new St.

L. Just completed; tile tiled bath and shower; air condi tioned; insulated; heat; pert, loc; $85. Call MR. SCHIRMER. MO 3455.

COLLEGE HILL Mod. 2-rm. effic incinerator. Inquire Mergard's Bowling Alley, Elkton and Hamilton ave Modern 4 rmsTand bath 1st floor; anults. 1508 Ambrose ave.

COLORED W. 2407 Symmes 3 prl. bath, gar 1st fl. PA 5653. CORRYVILLE 3 rooms, 2nd; bath, heat, ht.

$28; adults. 3202 Glendora ave. COVINGTON 306 Garrard 2d floor. 3 rooms; furnace, hardwood floors; rent reasonable. Rokrt 6U1-3 Madison Covington, Ky.

HEmlock 1435. COVINGTON 3-room modern efficiency; $40. Bell Eighth and Madison ave. HEmlock 6375. COVINGTON- 31 8 E.

bath; 1st floor; no furnace; 2nd floor, 3 rooms. bath; no furnace. HEmlock 4271 J. COVINGTON" "19 ave! modern; heat; 1st 'floor. HE7682W1 COVINGTON-- 903 Scott 4 -roonTTower St.

Louis; alcove, shades, heat furnished. COVINGTON 2 rooms: heat; reasonable. 224 Sterrett. HEmlock 0627 W. COVINGTON 2123 Oakland" Ist-floor du- plex; 4 rooms, bath.

HE 0438 M. COVINGTON 6-room eteam heat. 630 Scott blvd. HB 3013 J. DAYTON, KY.

614 Fifth. 3 bath, upper; yard; $15. SO 0695. nr. Silverton: 4-rm.

mod. St. Louis; hdwdj AV 1208 R. DOCTOR'S APT. "Ground-floor location.

Phone WO 0862. KRUG CO. EDOEMONT 411 Summit rd. 4 rms. hath, 1st fl.

gar. newly dec. VA 0491 R. EVANSTON- bandy flat; priv. bath, gas, elec.

heat; $35. 1805 Brewster ave. ME 2215. EVANSTON 3615 Newton: 3 bath, heat; redec. $25.

ME 8016, JE 1722. A ST ND3 to 7 $28 to $50T JACKSON REALTY EA 3161-3162. EVANSTON 4 2nd heat; garage. 3446 Fernside. WO 4139.

EVANSTON 1948 Dana 4-rm. modern garage opt. ME 7220. EVANSTON Five tile bath, $37.50. Inq.

3405 Montgomery rd FAIRMOUNT 1743 Falrmount 4 or 5 1st or 2nd floor: heat, gas, and electric furnished; will rent whole house to 1 family. MO 2544 or 1225. FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS 3" heat, hot water and bath. 415 Ada st. FAIRVIEW HGTS.

3 2d; priv. bath, heat; adults; $28. 437 Warner st. FT. MITCILCLL Lakeside Paik; 6-room duplex; modern apt.

garage. HB 1220. FT. "THOMAS Upper 4 tile bath, S37.50: lower 4 tile balh, $40. HUGHES, HI1855.

FT. THOMAS 5 rooms; refriger. and range; car line; gaiage. HI 0840 HI 1605. FT." THOMAS Riverview new 3-rm.

attractive heat; hwd. Frlgidalre; 1869. FT. TIIOMAS 3 range, refrigerator, automatic heat. FT.

"THOMAS 33 Concord pi 4 rooms, strictly modem; heat; gar. HI 1459 J. FT. "THOMAS 5 modern; garage; Ideal loc. reaa.

adults. HI 1806 M. FT. THOMAS 4 1st heat furnished; J45. HAAS, SO I 869.

HARTWELL 6-rm. mod." "apt. A1 location; reasonable: also 6-nn. duplex; good location. VA 4228.

HARTWELL Attractive 3-rm. 1st good location; $25. T. L1LES, VA4228. HARTWELL St.

4 hwd. porch; near bus. VA 1816. HYDE PARK Apartments 2570 Madison Road Corner Stet-tinius; five choice rooms; maid's room; $85, including garage. 2558 Madison Road Opposite beautiful Madison Park.

This modern, elevator-equipped building offers an unusual five and six room suite porch; gaiage in building. See MR. HUDSON, Apt. 11, 2558 Madison Road. WO 4759 J.

The Myers Y. Cooper Co. Erie at Edwards. EAst 2780 HYDH CLUBCREST APTS. 3970 MARBURG.

Bungalow, floor plan, center hall, living rm. with door-bed, bedrm. with mirror door and Venetian blinds, kitchen and dinette equipped with cabine'is, stove, electric refrigerator (on our meter), dinette set, heat, water, and garage. Only one available, flee today. Adults only.

EA 5505. HYDE PARK 637 Kroger Lane; 5 new Colonial duplex; most modern equipment. Open WO 4784 W. HYDE PARK-100 loiutlon; 2876 Madison beautllul 5-rm. St.

Louis, 1st; equip, kitchen, Venetian blinds, heii, hot water, shower, porch, nice yard; adults: see to appreciate; $60. Open 2 lo 6. WO 6605. HVDE 1'ARK Residential section, near Kllgour School, beautiful 5-room ultra-modern heat, range, colored tile bath, shower, Janitor; near lores, cars: $65. MAin 1181.

HYDE PARK Residential section; rm. iarfce living 3 2 baths, 5 closets, heat, range; nr. Kllgour School; $85; gar. $5. 3387 ERIE AVE.

KA 3822. HYDE PARK 3387 ERIE "AVE. EA 3822. The Ravenswood, new, mod. bldg.

5 and 6 room large living room, shower balh, heal, range, hot water; garage; near Kllgour School; HYDE PARK MADISON COURT 2479 Madison 1 4-rm. apt. available loth in this excel, mod. under l'enker management; applications may be filed on premises for the luture. WO 7111.

HYDE PARK 5 sun mod. St. exclusive part. conv. to Square; heat, range, tile bath, maid's rm.

and bath; $75. WO 3333. HYDE PARK- Erian 2499 Madison near Withrow High, front 4-rm. available: modern; heat, tile bath, shower, Frlgidalre, garage, Janilor. HY DK PARK3426 Edwards "rd.

modern 5-room first floor duplex; solarium, maids room; garage; $50. WO 6211 or ME 2019 HYDE PARK Spacious five-room Duplex, kilchen equipped, maid's quarters; porch; best residential section; $70. Call EAst 0806 R. HYDE PARK Choice section; uitra modT 3-rm. dinette small heat, range, colored tile bath, shower, Janitor, $50.

MA 1181, HYDE PARK Near Hyde Park square! choice 4-rm. small heat, range, In-a-door, tile bum; gaiage; $55. MA 1181. HYDE PARK Hampshire 1st fl. St: Louis; 5 completely redecorate maid's rm.

porch; $65. PA 724 j. WO 8126. HYDE PARK Near Erie. 3 large private bath, heat, conv.

EA 36tfiiR. HYDE PARK 2590 Madison rd. Ideal 4 bath, heat, hot water, equipped kitchen; porch: garage. HYD'; PARK 2873" Observatory; attr. 5 equipt.

kitchen; maid's rm. and bath3rd. EA2963 M. HVDE" PARK--1350 EDWARDS Nr! OBSERVATORY; 4-RM. EFFIC, GAR.

AVAIL. DECl. NO AGENTS. KA 5162. HYDE PARK- Beautiful maid's rm.

garage; heat; porch; $90. 3407 Llnwood rd. TErrace 7335. HY I EP A 3 4 23" 2 urns I n7 4-r rn7ifp tT; large living 2 breakfast nook; hot-water heat adults EA 0268 J. HYDE PARK 2743 Wlliard 4 rms.7 upper St.

Louis, with 3d-fl. adults; 0700 HYDE PARK 5 ROOMS; GARAGE; 1ST FLOOR; $35 MONTH 2709 WILLIAMS NEAR EDWARDS. HY DE PARK Off Madison; 3710 Woodland: lovely 4-rm. open 2 to 5 p. m.

WO 6605. HYDE PARK Attr. English-type, small 4-rm. heat, hwd. tile HYDE "PARK St.

Louis; 5 rooms and solarium, maid's room and bath, range; nr. Square; $60. EA 5007. HYDE PARK 3739-'-' Upper 6 rms! porch; $50. EA 7690 CH 3412.

KENNEDY HGTS. 100 sewer, water, gas, sidewalks; no assessments; $15 It. LE1NINGER, 4210 Main, Norwood. ME 5461. LOTS 60x70 or 110x160 fronting 3 streets, for gas station, parking lot, bldg.

site. Flndlay and Central. KI 3270 J. LOT Cor. Colerain and Florida, Northside; 38x60; business district.

KIroy 4056 J. MADEIRA 56xl40ft. sewer, trlcity; $500. LO 7383 M. MYERDALE SUBDIVISION N.

Indian Hill: lg. lots: restricted. SY 7693 W. NORTH BEND RD. 710 mile west of Colerain; Ideal building lots; prices to $295; terms, 10 down and 1 per month SEE 4530.

PLEAS. RIDGE and vie, sev. good lots; $1,200 up. W. R.

HALL, BLPR.tME 1438, PRICK-HILL A bargain; 56" fori; Improved; must sell. WAbash 4210. RIVER-VIEW LOT Conv. loc; priced right. Owner, EA 4305.

SUNDALE SUBDIVISIONVan Zandt and Wlnton nsw development on 2 main highways: 11 homes erected or under construction; all level lots; price $500. 10 down and 1 monthly; representatives on grounds daily and Sunday. AL KOCH REAL ESTATE INC. A 4530, or JAckson 8078 WESTWOOD 2 dandy lots on Montana nr. Harrison; one 50x150, the other pcrf.

for 4-apt. buildings; very rcasonaablc. Mo 3455. WYOMING" FOREST AVE. AND LAU-RENCE RD.

the best location for the least money in Wyoming; lots 50 ft. or more front by 200 deep; all Improvement; no assessments; come out SUN- DAY AFTERNOON. OWNER. VALLEY 0772. OFFICE, MAIN 0043.

DEAN POAGE, 51 JEWETT DRIVE, WYOMING. WYOMING Splendid home sites on Linden drive, Sylvan lane, Mt. Pleasant Jewett drive, Forest and throughout the village and vicinity; $15 to $50 per foot. MORTON BRUCE, VA 2222. LOTS Burncy lane, Mt.

Washington; 42x120; city water, electric; close to bus stop; $300 each. DALE R. BOGART. BE 7365. 9 ACRES Woods, knoll, creek; ideal setting for home.

HUST, MO 1131. 3 Miscellaneous Real Estate EAST END BEACH FOR SALE 3015 EASTERN EAST END. Real Estate For Exchange 7 AVONDALE Modern brick 10-apt. equipped ranges, cabinets; $4,000 annual income; lor large house. AV 3115.

BOND HILL, Brk. 3 for farm 50 acres up. JOE P. SIBCY, Norwood. ME 6785MMEJ)046.

BRICK BLDG. 3 mod!" aptsTf" for farm close in. AV 2403. CLIFTON Beautiful brick St. Louis ultra modern, will take 1-fam.

as part pay. MR. GLAAB, ME 2100. EASTWOOD 4904 MADISONRD. Will consider your old home or St.

Louis as part payment on new 6-rm. br. bung. STAYTON REALTY, JE 2630. MT.

AUBURN brick, 7 rmsT; glassed slpg. porch; fin. 3rd; tor St. L. inClifton.

UN 0130. NEARLY NEW 4 tile bath, porch ea. gars, all rented; live in one derive income from others; will exchange equity for 1 or 2 family. AV 4935, CH 2767. NORTHSIDE Hamilton 2-fam.

mod. for 1-fam. AV 2403. OUR TRADE LIST IS 100 COMPLETE. building and finance service." John E.

Manthey JE 0S46-3336. PLEASANT RIDGE 6 acres with 5-rm. 4 sqrs. from business district. Might consider clear residence in exchange.

JE 0949. pTTe A A IDG A tr 5 mod. home, nr. everything, will pay cash difference for good St. Louis.

ME 6688 PRICE HILL Mod. bung. forsaie or trade for any kind of business; prefer grocery, wa oasz J. STATELY 12-rm. brick residence, nr.

Taft School; on almost an acre; 4-car brk. gar. want 2 or 3-famfly brick on carllne; or will sell for cash $2,500, balance financed free. Address Box A 38, care The Enquirer. WALNUT HILLS Brick $2,000 $15,000 or St.

Louis. WO 4999 M. WE HAVE several St. Louis apartments and houses; some will trade for 1-famlly houses located in Norwood or vicinity. HARMANN REALTY ME 1638.

WHITE OAK 5-rm. 1 acre, fruit; 2 like new; for 5 or 6 College Hill or Northside. KI 2537. 5 ACRES Clear, for larm or Bungalow, 5 for farm or lots. WO 4577.

1864 Hewitt ave. 3 Wanted-Real Estate CASH UP TO $100,000 For oil stations or business sites; send information at once; no fooling; we mean business: try us and find out for yourself. DOUGLAS G. HIGH, 4218 Montgomery rd. ME 2100.

AM IN THE "MARKET-fofX or tTonm house, brick; 1 floor preferred, but not necessary; will pay $6,060. Address Box 110, care The Enquirer, BUY GOOD Investment, property priced rlghtfor cash. AV 2403. CASH in 10 davs for your1 real eslatc DOUGLASS G. HIGH.

4218 Mont-gomery rd. ME 2100. COLONIAL-TYPE, "3-BEDROOM HOME About 4-5 yrs. old; hi Pleas- ant Jtldg or Hyde Park. AV 4718.

FIVE OR SIX-ROOM HtJUSE Ft. Mitchell or Park Hills. 'Address Box 33. care The Enquirer. HAVE cash buyers for homes investment property in Mt.

Airy, Mt. Healthy, College Hill and Northside. List your property with us. WE WILL try. SUMMIT REAL ESTATE North Bend and Colerain ave.

KI 1761. HAVE immediate buyers for small or large real estate. Will pay spot cash. Call at once. PA 1262, JE 944.

HAVE CASH BUYER for St. L. in Clifton on or near car line, and 5-rm. home Westwood, nr. school, MO 2841-1316 J.

HAVE CASH buyer for house or bungalow In Evanston or Walnut Hills. WO 4577. HAVE cash buyer for house or bungin Evanston or Walnut HiMs. WO 4577. LOVELAND PARK Will- buy 5 lots In Hamilton County section: give location and slate price.

Address Box 22, care The Enquirer. MUST BUYQUICK 1 Address Box 28, care The Enquirer. ONE or 2 family; give location; price. Address Box 21, care The Enquirer. SM ALL HOUSE with from one tV 5 acres" close, transportation; no agents.

Address Box 17, care The Enquirer. WANTED To rent, lease or buy as rent, small farm, nr. Cincinnati. VA 3046 M. WE HAVE BUYERS For bungalows in Bond Hill ana Hyde Park.

For quick sale, get In touch with MR. DAVIS, EA 7421 or UN 113SR. WILL BUY St. Louis in Hyde Park or Bond Hill before December 1st. JE 0949.

lOR 2 FAM. Garage room: pny cash; Clifton. Mt. Auburn. Falrmount, North-side, Price Hill; not over $4,500.

AV 9173. 3 artmenU, Furn. For Rnl AAAl LOC Bargain, $85 apt. for $55. Wal.

Hills, 4 2 $36. Av-ondale, 3 $32; 4 2 $38. Mt. Auburn, new efficiency, $38; also 1, 2, 3, 4 $35 up. RENTING AGENT, MA 6640.

Al LOC. Wal, Hills; attr. furn. 2-rm. efficiency; gas, elec, $.10.

CRAIG RENTALS, 2448 Gilbert. WO 1 1 53 Al Hill's: furn. 4-rm. heat, Frigid; S40. Many olhers.

CRAIG RENTALB2448Oilbert.WO 1153. AVONDALE Flora Villa 723 Ohof- son; kitchenette priv. balh; hotel serv. prltg. trans.

AV 1335. AVON A LE Rockdale 538 Rockdale; llv. dress, in-a-door bed, AV 7765. AVONDALE 59 Maple, j-rm. apt.

or separate rm.t. bath, heat; modern. AAA 2. 3. 71Tr66mk, linens, silver.

Immediate possession; also BUNGALOW. AV 2181. AVONDALE Elegantly furn. 4-rm. mod.

steam-heated accommodate 2 to 4 persons; reas. J.i4j Kosedaie. AVONDALE 2 rms. gas, elec, radio centrally located; $0. AV 3504 AVONDALE'forence.

760 choice mod. 3-rm. eff. AV 8796. furn-5-rm.

"bung. gas, elec, heat; adults. AV7154 .1. AVONDALE Beaut, low; grand piano; adults. AV 5608 One AND OI FFIN-Neat 6-rm.

brick; large lot; $6,900. JA 7622 V. bottom "land, no bargain; 5 a. peach orchard, 55 good $500 down; 25 fine view; $100 4 Ky. cottage, $100 down; no $500; good lunch and beer place, $350.

CROWE, 795 E. McMillan. WO 2727. ST. HEALTHY Sti'uble 43 acres; 6-rm.

house; elec; large barn; entire farm Is perfect. WEGERT, MO 2544 or 1225. MT. WASHINGTON 7-room house; ft acres, priced reasonably; will rent to responsible party. EA 3161.

JEROME M. JACKSON REALTY CO. NEAR New Richmond, O. 7-rm. brk.

75 acres. MO 0199 J. all NEW country home, 16 all tillable, 6-room house, bath, electric, double garage, chicken house; fine location; $3,700. 175 near State Rome 42; large house, hardwood floors, furnace, electric; good tenant house, 2 barns, cribs, garage, creek, never-falling springs. This Is one of the best stock farms In this section; can be financed.


SEND FOR FREE" 'illustrated Catalogue Farms, Homes, Tour-inns. Gnu Stations. BRAY A MncGF.ORGE. Established 1901. Vine- land, N.

J. ICE LOCATIO 4-room house; elect rlc garage; concrete driveway; $2,250. 13 Acres 5-room house; fins location $5 000. 16 Acres 5-room house; electric; all of the above located within 6 ml. ot tne vaney.

HARMANN REALTY ME 1638. CHIO PIKE near Nagel at Cherry Grove. Just 12 miles lrom Fountain Square.1 24i story frame farm house. Jfront porch approximately 40 ft. long, plank floor in living room (has mantel ami fireplace with cabinet on each side), large dining room with woodburnlug fireplac, 2 closets, kitchen with porcelain sink, city waler, butler's ptntry, breakfast room and bedroom.

Second floor has 3 bedrooms and large closet In each. Large bathroom equipped with city water; large unfinished attic, coal furnace. 43 acres witn 750 ft. frontage on Pike. Large shadi trees, good view.

There is a well at house, a cistern at the barn. 2 poultry houses, orchard. Price $15,000. Sunday phone AV 6296. THEODORE MAYER BRO.

MA 0921 First Nat1 1 Bank Bldg. 6HiO-PiKE 15-acre orchard In high-grade apples; new 6-nn. colonial; 27-ft. living room, wood-burning fireplace; breakfast nook, complete bath, also extra toilet and hwd. firs, throughout, cement basem*nt, furnace, gas, and elec; 2-car only $8,900.

Mr. Sponsed, EA 3198. OSCAR E. HAUMAN EA 4343. Route 74, 6-rm.

cottage, acres; Mm; $3,500. RAY T. Bl) GART, Mt. Washington BE 7365. ON-ACCOUNT-of illness must sell fine farm at Peach Grove nr.

Harrison pike; fronts on tarvia road; also frontage on good tarvia road in back of farm; colonial home, 5 large rms. elec, bank barn, 2 chicken houses, fruit orchard, fine good soil. For full particulars, write Box 53, Sta. Clnti, O. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Ten-acre country home and business; 11 miles Fountain Square; opposite school.

VAUey 3046 M. Price HILL between Anderson Ferry rd. and Neeb rd. 45 acres of rolling land; partly wooded; creek runs through wooded section; small road frontage on concrete highway, with city water and electric; most of the property lies back from the main road; property is fenced but there are no other Improvements; wonderful view of surrounding country from main part of farm; only 8 honest miles (about 15 minutes' drive) to heart of city; closer than must of our suburbs. If you are looking for an acreage tract for a country home close to city we believe this properly will appeal to you.

Price $150 per acre, which is far below the price asked for any land in the vicinity. BTAHMANN-GRAVES CHerry 2682, (Sunday, WAbash 2567 J. 8 ALE OR TRADE Farm 42 close to city. Call MK 3518. ShaRONWOODS (Near); 1 to 140 ac; bldgs.

T. H. BAEN, R. 1, Sharonvllle, Ohio. Orchard 34 J.

Splendidly equipped so acres On improved road; good 8-room home, basem*nt barn; includes team, 12 cattle, 31 sheep, sow, 8 pigs, 100 poultry, implements, crops; part down. Page 80, big FREE catalogue. STROUT AGKNCY, 420-AD Citizens Cleveland, Ohio. fe'ANT TO RENT Small farm'wlthin hr. jtromCaUageCaJlVA 2970 R.

WHITE OAK 4 1-flr. plan; 3 acres; water, terms; perfect buy. A 7622 W. fc'HITK OAK. GIFFIN RD.

Dandy 6-rm. frame; 2-car garage; acre; reduced to $5,850. JAckson 7622 W. YNNBURNE'PARK Opp. Western Hills Country Club; "Blue Gables" estate: 4Vii acres; beaut.

7-rm. Eng. featuring large cathedral type living library, breakfast 2 tiled baths, social room, 2 massive log fireplaces; hot-wtr. hent; a-cr nr. 4 stall horse stable; servants' cottage; Hollywood Swim Pool with 2 bath houses.

This is a real country estate; beautiful; priced $30,000 below actual cost of construction. Will finance. Drive out today. See It. Call MR.

SCHIRMER, MO 3455 for appt. to see Interior. 5 Acres Modern Bungalow Convenient to city; highway; mod. 6-rm. bungalow, 4 bath and toilet; 1st, hardwood 2 2nd; fine base ment: furnace, hot and cold water.

Inondrv irnvs- elec: double garage: pretty yard; part can be sold if desired; jnn ft finntaL-e. bldgs. 3 yrs. old; school. bus.

Price $4,000, $1,000 down will finance balance. Beautiful river view; 2V4 acre; close In; Hamilton County; pretty bung4ow; numerous other $8,500. Will trade. Shown by appointments only. L.

C. HOPKINS 519 Main Cincinnati, MAin 0530 or EAst 8159 W. 82V ACRES Brown County; 4-rm. house ham: chicken house: other outbldgs. land level; good drainage; good water supply; 10 acres timber; $1,750.

45 ACRES on good highway; land level drains wjII: all new land: 8 a. timber 5-rm. house; large new barn; other good fiuit for family; i.i.iu. 62 ACRES Mt. Holly; good pike; 4-rm.

house; nejv barn, ciec. available: with stock and implements; $3,500. 74 ACRES Route 133; land rolling, well watered; fair fercing; 6-rm. house; elec trie available: tood $5,000. 106 ACRES on good highway; 8-rm.

basem*nt elec. large tobacco and stock barn; other land rolling; large creek with springs; 10 a. timber; fair fencing; $5,500. THE FRANK MALICK CO. Six East Fourth St.

MAin 4084. 2 ACRES Kugler Mill rd. 6-room hrlrk 1 floor' SB 050 (2 co Of apartn buildit COMPLETE ASSORTMENT furnished and unfurnished apartments In modern suburban buildings. Free auto service. MAt 1 1 TAT OtT.

if TIE GUARANTEE 7IS WALNUT CA.I04S Open today, 1 to I p. AT YOUK SERVICE you, the prospective tenant, we say If you want prompt and efficient service call today AV 7209 J. our personal representative, who will tell you of the apartments and houses that are avail-aole in various suburbs. THEODORE MAYKR BRO. MA 0921 First Nal'l Bank Bldg.

ATTRACTIVE 4-roorn only" (2)' left in the modern new apt. located at the intersection of 4039 Reading shown by appointment. UN 1525. gar. Jan.

$60. UN 1525. AVONDALE Be oomfortahle for the winter In the NEW AVONDALE APARTMENTS 920 BURTON AVE. minute walk from Reading Rd. Here we have 3 and 4 room apartments with electric refrigeration supplied by the management.

Even temperature of heat at all times, and even during the bleak winter months a garden spot and lawn in front of your windows. Resident manager on premises. THEODORE MAYER 4 BRO. MA 0921 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. AVONDALE FOREST GLEN APTS.

340 FOREST, AVE. Modern 4-room heat, hot water, refrigeration: 1st floor: $50. AVon 0651. ROBKRT A. CLINIC, INC.

1027 Enquirer Bldg. CHerry 1444. AVONDALii THE DANA 917 Dana; cor. 3-room large living room; cross ventilation. 6 LARGE CLOSETS WALTER MENDENHALL AV 5288.

AV 3168. AVONDALE 5-room tile bath with tub and shower; kitchen fully equipped; FriKidfUre and pas furnished. 3585 Van Antwerp place. See janilor. AVON DALE 84 0 Windham desirable apartments; completely redecorated; 3 rooms, $35.

ROBERT A. CLINE, INC. 1027 linquirerBldB. CHerry 1441. AVONDALE Sonta AptiT, 3705 Beatrice drive; mod.

5-rm. heat, hot water, refrineralion, tile shower, equipped kitchen; $55. 4 rooms, 145. UN 0373 or ROBERT A. CLINE, INC.

1027 EnqulrcrBldK. CHorry 1)44. AVONDALE. Becchwood Ave. square from Reading Rd.

First floor of St. Louis apartment with its individual entrance and Its individual porch. Garape. 5 parlous rooms, attractive bath, maid's room. Will be decorated to suit and put in first class condition.

Rent J100. Sunday phone AV 6296. THKODORE MAYER ft BRO. MA 0921 First Nat'l. Bank AVONDAL.K 8.r7-S9 E.

Glenwood ave. very attractive and modern of 5 2d floor, with hardwood floors, ranRe, steam heat, and janitor service: maid's storage space and heated Raruue; $70. THE CENTRAL TRUST CO. MA 4900. AVONDALE CLAUDIA APTS.

945 Dana Ave. Five large rooms, porch, maid's room, garage, junltor service; rcsidenlial atmosphere; $70; shown by appointment. WALTER S. MENDENHALL. AV 528S.

AVONDALE SOMMKRF1KLD APTS. Clinton Springs at Mitchell; 2-bcdrm. $85; 3-bedrm. $90, in "Sommerfield East." and 2-bcdrm. $90, In "Som-merfield West;" strictly modern living and dining room, bath, kitchen with maid's rm.

adjoining, solarium. AV 6611. AVONDALE Splendid 4-room apt. with tiled bath; elec. rerriger.

separate garage; $40. THE TITLE GUAR-ANTEF, A TRUST 7th and Walnut Sts. PA H'46 today 1 to 4 p. or dally. AVONDALE.

3642 Alaska A've. near" Glen wood. Second floor. 5 rooms, solarium, tile bath and shower. Electric refrigeration.

Nuw in process of decoration available Nov. 15 THEODORE MAYER BRO. MA 0921. AVONDALE. NORTH.

5 well arranged rooms, nil tile bith, mald' room, garage. $55. Sunday phon AV 7209 J. T1IKODORE MAYKR ft BRO. MA 0921 First Nut'l Bank Bldg.

A von cl tile Poincinna Bldg Reading rd. and llutchins 4-room modern; reference; adults. AV15(I8 M. KRUG KF.ALTY CO. AVON DaLE Cin'tl's finest 4-rm.

mod suiie at $00; sleam heat, equipped kitchen, large Frigid, on house, hot-water, Incinerator, Janitor service. JS547 Rosedale pL A VO DALE TH AMBASSADOR. 722 GHOLSON BEAUTIFUL 5-RM. APT. EVERY MODKRN CONVENIENCE; CHOICE 2730 AVON1 A LE HORSTM AN BUILDING.

319 Rockdule; 4-room efficiency apt. hardwood floors; heat and Janitor. AV 7253 or CH 3174. AVONDALE-Go out N. Crescent to 381 1 Edgehill; 1st, living dining bath, equip, maid's; furnace by leniint; $40.

EA0mi. AVONDALE Most desirable part, 2d Si. Louis: 3 bedrooms, large solarium; brick gsrage. Can be Been by appointment only. MAin 3134.

AVONDALE New Royal Manor 805 Clinton Springs; one vacancy; exclusive 5-nn. apartment. AVon B898. AVONDALE 3636 Alaska; attrac. mod.

5 St. Louis; 1st: heat, garage; fine location; $55. AV 4279 M. AVONDALE-5 .7 tile bathrhowr; newly decor. $55.

502 Prospect pi. AV 374 W. AVONDALE 5 heat, 6-rm. St. $60; 2-rm.

effic, $35. AVon 1052. A VON DALE 526 Clinton Springs 5 brkfst. $60. AV 4250 M.

AVONDALE 538 Blair. 4 large hath, porch, heat, hot waler; newly decorated; 3rd. AVONDALE. Exclusive ioc, Crescent 810 N. Crescent 3, 4, 5 rm.

apts. See Jan. AVON DA LE 834 6 "nnsaud maid's garage; In heart of Avon-dale; modern apartment. AV 1867. AVONDALE Alameda 5-rm.

apartments; furnished and unfurnished; modem. MA 0442, AV 4635. AVON DALE 829 Blair, 2 or 3 fobmsT kit (lien, bath; elec, heat, rcaa. UN 1416 W. AVONDALE 897 Blair; 5 lge.

1st, mald'B; storage, linoleum; cor. view; adults only; $45. Inquire, within. Louis; 4 "rmsf, Frigid gar. A 8402.

AVONDALE 504 mod. 7-rm. HI. L. heat, j- rigid.

AV 5107 UN 0204 W. AVONDALE Warwu 6-room St. Louie. UN 0952, appointment only. AVON DALE 2 rooms, floor heat priv.

bath. 418 Rockdale ave. AVon 6533. AVONDALE 3-rmT apt. heat; "tiled" bath; tel.

gar, opt. AV 1012 J. AVONDALE Florence, 7li0 choice mod. 3-rm. eff.

A 8790. AVONDALE -rni. St. mi, Frigid. 3566 Estes.

UN 2432 R. AVONDALE -St. Louis 5 680 Greenwood. AV 4412 J. porch; maid's room; $50.

AVon 56SI4 J. A A 8 HT Rockdale; "heatT gas, elec. $30; adults. AV Ji94H R. A A LE -3 44 ErkenbrecheT; St.

Louis'; 1st 4 gar. adults only. AVONDALE 696 4-rm. HL Louis; solarium; $35. AV 0194 M.

AVONDALE 061 Forest; mod. 4-rm. 2nd. rear; bath, furnace; $25. AV 0203.

A VONDA LE2 'ni'. bathj" hVath. gas. elec, 3rd; adults. AV 0885 W.

BEAUTIFUL-3-rm. dinette" apt. modern ulas'lc wnll.v in-a-door, heat. range, colored tile bath, shower; conv. to city; $42.50.

MA 1111 BELLEVUE-410 Gratldvicw ave. flat of 4 rms. on 3d floor; modern: adult. BELLKVUE" 3 or hath, furnace, laun- dry; garage, $3. 50.

SO 1S4Q BOND HILL. OPEN TODAY, 2 to 4. 1737 Northampton Drive; 4 rooms In ultra modern. new St. Louis: Call NORDLOH, ME 2902 or MA 1780.

niue, "ARK 3 heat, hot water, kitchen equipt. adults; 'iO. Open 2-5. 3701 Woodland av. WO 0265 HYDE PARK Attr.

4-rm. heat, tile bath, porch. Janitor 2700 Observatory. AV 5409 ME 4449. HYDE PARK 2860 MadtsonrdTmmsT, maid's rm.

garage; adults. JE 6037. HYDE PARK 4 rooms. 370OMichigan aye. 32.50.

EA 2281 J. HYDE PARK Nr. 35- Carpenter, JE 5242. HYDE PARK Exclusive location! flvi rooms; maid's room and bath; EAst 6185. HYDE PARK 4 1st; porch; heat; $55.

EAst 7203. gar. HYDE PARK 6 1st; porchl Kar. good location. EAst 7203.

HYDE ARK odTsrmT mieTbath. gar.l hwd.flrs. 3931 Marburg. WO 4382 M. HYDE PARK 2860 Erie a 2nd floor; modern EAst 5017 J.

HYDE PARK- 1308 Paxton; 4 moms7io-larium, garage; $50. EAst 4648. HYDE PARK 1317" rmsTTkit heaU desir. loc. WO 3609 W.

HYDE" PARK 6 rooms; garage; like new; $50 month. HYDE aveTTM 4 rooms; garage. $35 month. HYDE PARK 2744 Madison" rdTdloor, 5 rooms; garage; $45 month. HYDE PARK 3555 Shaw ave.

St. Louis, ldeal4 2d; separate furnace. HYDE PARK 2d. 4 heat adults; ME 0046, 6785. HYDE PARK St.

L. Frigid. $35; good cond. HYDE "PAP.K 2638 Arbor pi. TmodTrms.

garage; excellent condition. VA 3358 J. KENNEDY HEIGHTS 3 TmsT, mod. 1st heat, porch, in a 4- apt. brk.Jildg.; $40.

JE 1673. ME 5631. KENNEDY, HEIGHTS 4 S30: 2 rms. $20; office dentist. JE 0972.

KENNEDY 11 IG 6505 Iris; 5-rm. sC Louis, 1st; garage, porch; $55. ME 7167. LOVELY 4 rooms; FrigidT; gar. nrT transportation, stores; $35.

BR 1767. 3 rlnTT bath: porch, garage; modern; adults. WO 3921 M. MADISON VILLE 4553 Erie; 4 hwd.J coal; large grounds. TE 7383.

MADISON VILLE 2 rooms, heat; home; adults; $20. BR 0181 R. quiet MADISON VILLE 4 full new bldg. heat, BR 1767. McMICKEN A VE," 23623 LIGHT ROOMS; NEWLY DEC.

$15. SEE THIS. MONTGOMERY RD. Home" "siteri8 "acres hills, woods creek. SYcimore 7627 J.

MT. ADAMS 2 rooms and papered. 325 Kilgour st. MT. ADAMS 1251" 'jTrmsTrTnoI porch; bath; ht.

IL MO 0029 W. MT. ADAMS 1133 Fuller; 4" large all conveniences; adults only. MT. A DA MS 934 Ha I ch 1st fl.j Inside toilet; $12.

JE 4354. $5: BR 543 J. EA 5510. MT. AUBURN.

2450 sZ Louis. First or second floor. 4 rooms and bath, hardwood floors. $35. THEODORE MAYER A BRO.


AUBURN 2128 Burnet 4 nice hath; fine loc; 1st 10 min. to city; jidults; ref. AV 0246 J. MT. AUBURN-AUr.

St." sewing 2 rms. 3d hwd. tllo balh, redec; $40. AV 4718. MT.

AUBURN St. Louis 2nd tirfTiKiuM furnace; adults. AV 3594. MT. AUBURN 221 1 Reading "rd" strictly modern; garage; Frigidaire.

T. A BU i Eucl rms. private bath: 2d floor front. MT. AUBURN 35 McMillan i largeB rooms; garage; see Janitor.

MT. kitchen equipt, dinette, $42,50. AV 2481. MT. AUBURN 251 DoluThuel 3" lovely, bright rooms; conv.

loc; $18; adults. MTTaUBURN 2 bath, heat, garage, $25. Open Sunday 2 to 5. lg. 1210, UN 0744 M.

MT. AUBURN 517 4 rooms! modern; porch; near 2 car lines. MT. AUBUR NRfce sT.7n 1 P. OHLER, 2225 Rice.

MT. WASHINGTON 4 1st new dec; hdwd. 6461 Becclimont ave. MT. WASIliNGTON 2107 adults preferred.BE 7191 W.

NEWPORT Imperial 8 rooms: stm! heat. Janitor service, porches, awnings. hardwood floors, newly decorated, etc! refrigeration; $53. SOuth 0356. NF.WPORT3 rms7and ex cept furnace.

828 Columbia. SO 4678 R. NEWPORT-- 4rms7 and atticif-desir 734 Park jar call HI 0766 M. NEWPORT 537 E. 3rd; 2 moderni separate; $14.

MElrose 8938. 3. 4, 6 $15 to $45. SO 1840 Mop: NF.WPORTI-rm.; bath, garage. 619 E.

Ninth St. SO 6815 W. NEWPORT 315 E. Third, beautiful 4-rm. heat; 5 minutes Dixie Terminal.

NORTHSIDE 4 rms. bath, heat, hot water futn. 1202 M. nr. schools, car, bus, UN NORTHSIDE 4226 Turrill: 1st heat; gar.

$30. KI 253 NORTHSIDE 4450 "Colerain. nr. Virginia) 3 rms heat adults. KI 1304 J.

NORTHSIDE 4117 Jerome;" 1st floor; modern flat Key at 2d floor. NORTHSIDE 4049 3 newly dec. open 2-5 p. m. NORTHSIDEi rms.7 modTT bath 1st hdwd.

good loc KI 2830. NORWOOD 4 rooms: iccond floor; hardwood floors; full furnished; $30. 3 rooms, second floor, tile bath; heat; garage; $28. 4 rooms, fiist floor, hardwood; garage; porch; $30. 4 rooms, second floor, private entrance; gsrage; $22.50.

5 rooms, breakfast nook, hardwood; garage; $15. 9 rooms, first floor, hardwood; porch; garage: $35, 4 HARMANN REALTY ME 1638. NORWOOD 5521 Carthage 1st living dining kitchen, 2d 4 tile bath; hot' heat; double garage; $60. ROBERT A. CLINE, INC.

107 Enquirer Bldg. CHerry 1444. NORWOOD 3 "ideal rooms; 50. 3 steam heat, hot water; $27.50. 4 hdw.

tile bath; $27.50. 4 solarium, tile bath; $32.50. all separate; $27.50, $30, $35. BOHANNON. 4707 Main over Leo s.


stove 37.50 Bond Hill: 4-rm. 1st; gar 37.50 LEININGER. 4210 MAIN. ME5461. NORWOOD 3 rms.

each; "hot water; X5 tile, porch, $35. "We Sell Homes $250 Down." JOHN E. MANTHEY CO, JE 0646-333; NORWOOD 4008 Montgomery 4 rms. and bath, steam heat. Janitor, Fridid.

$50. MA 0069. NORWOOD Near Bond Hill: attractive 4-rm. St. L.

tile bath; $35. MB 5284 or VA 4228. NORWOOD. 4611 McNeil Ave. 2 doori from Sherman.

8 rooms and bath. $30. TH EO DORE MAYER BRO. A0921. NORWOOD Lovelv private first-floor 4 rooms, bath, riwd.

floors; porch, yard. garage; 1706. NORWOOD, S. 1947 Cleneay: rooms," syarium. tile bath, garage; modern.

WO 020LME7906. NORWOOD 4131 Floral four rooms, ftilly equipped: heated; garage; $50. EAst 27S0 MAin 4244. NORWOOD 3947 Elsmere. 5 rms.

and $35. J. F. O'BRIEN, CH 717. HI 1270.

NORWOOD 4 2nd; 1 on 3rd: strict- ly newly dec; $35. 4641 Allison. E31S5. NORWOOD 5 rooms, 2d floor; garage oj tional. ME 8903.

SOKWOOD 2731 Harris; 3 private bath, steam heat; 1st: $23. CH 7030. NORWOOD S. 43f)8 "Beech" ave 4-rooea and garage; everything sep. WO 0410 R.

NORW'OOb 4009 'Grove: "4 tal. IttJ 4 bath, 2d; 2 3d; garage. BOND HILL 1923 Lawn; 4-rm. St. 1st; tile bath; $35.

JE 1887. BOND HILL 4-rm. StrLTThdwTiliurbathT adults. 5024 Oherlin. ME 7419.

BOND HILL S. w. cor. 4-rn; gar. strictly sep.

1 sq. store, bus. BOND stove; gar. $37.50. EA 3497 J.

BOM) IIU.L-.5 RM. ST. LOUIS, 2ND; WILL JE 9110. BOND HILL 1835 mod. 4- gar.

J490. BOND 'HILL Mod. 5-rm. apt. 1st conv.

loc. JE 2591. BOND HILL 1540 Yarmouth; mod. St. Louis; Frlgidalre-; garage.

ME 2537. CAMP WASHINGTON-3436 cor, sep. bath; furnace. CAMP WASHINGTON 2108 W. 4 rooms, toilet and bath, laundry; adults.

CHEVIOT GLENMOREBU3GrrVrWest wood car line; 4-room heat, Frig- Idaire (on house), tile bath, hardwood; reasonable; janitor. Apt. 16. FRANK BROEMAN MA 0987. CHEVIOT Cor.

"Woodbine and St. brick; 2d 1. 5 lge. newly dec; sep. front and rear entr.

sep. basem*nt; large porch. MO 2114 W. CHEVIOT- Anderson Ferry rd. 2 brksf: S.

of Rrigdctown 5-r. $25. CH CHEVIOT 3821 kenker pl new 4-rrh7 spacious and light, bath, furnace, porch, only $40. MO 1133. CHEVIOT 4 large modern tile balh7 hardwood, heat, porch, garage.

MO 2052. CHEVIOT 4 solarium ga rage: near car; $35. LOHMEIER, MO 2841-1316 J. CHEVIOT 4 "fKMire bathT lge. porch.

3727 Carson. MO 0301M. CHOICE Kentucky farms: 100 To-LO00 ai res; priced right. TRI-COUNTY REALTY 608 Coppin Covington, Ky. HE 6350.

CITY 1323 Vine st. large two-room aparf-mcnts; $10 to $12. lnq.iire Apt. 2 or ROBERT A. CLINE.

10S7 Enquirer Bldg. CHerry 1444. CITY 4 'urge, light, airy rooms, Inclosed porch and first floor. 1707 Freeman oppaslte Sands Si'hool in West End's finest, neighborhood while only. Rent per mo.

OWNER on premises. CITY- No. 2 EAST McMICKEN. 519 BROADWAY 4 bath; $20. 2134 W.

EIGHTH 4 nice bath: $21. WM. B. POLAND ft 1835. CITY 1906 Kim el.

3 built-in cahT-nets. linoleum, bath, hot water: newly decorated. Apply Hill Race street. rattractive "i 'front frnsTT batn, hot water, hardwood shades, screens, janitor; adults; $35. CITY 3 rooms and bath, 1st i room and kitchen, basem*nt.

2009 Vine st. CITY 16I8Race72nr firT mo'dTl-fmTTipT; h. jan.serv. $35. MA 2281.

CITY 1327 Main St. 3 balh; modern. CITY 1 4 0 1 A I Nj ODERN 4 -ROOM STEAM HEATED SEE JANITOR. CITY 31 ri W. 7tn: mod.

'4 heat, hot water, Janitor; references; $30. CITY 24fi'E 5 th 3-rm flat very reasonable. See janitor. CITY 13 1 6 "Broadway;" 5 bath, 1st fl. convs.

opp. Woodward High; open. CITY 922 Find layf 3-rm. apt. bathT toilet.

3rd $150. AVon 0203. CITY 1532 ifarrlson 7 2 rm H. Son hT AVon 0203. CLIFTON Bfil TK Ft RACK AVE.

HKAT f*ckNIRHKD. New ultra modern fi rooms, colored tile bath, tile equlpprd kitchen; plunk floors, Vent'iinn blinds; service; garage. Dec. 1st; 5H.r). Open daily, 2 to 5, DOIKJLASS HIGH, 4218 MrjiilKomery Htl, 10 2100.

CLIFTON Clirion ave. (opp. rniversityt 6 larKe 2d lh or porch, Bound proofed all modern Inprovementu; laundry maHiin-erv selected reduced to CUI'TON "-3U8 Bishop st.T apttt. of four IuII-kIzl and itolurium, vuth, in-a-door bed; range, hui, ateHin heat, and Janitor service; Inquire at or call our Heal KMato Kept. TH CKNTRAL TKUST CO.

MA 4S00. CLIFTON -4 lovely and hath; elec gas range; heat: water. Near stores and 20 mluules from town: $45. THE TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST 7lli and Walnut Sis. I'A 1016, today 1 to 4 p.

or dally. CLIFTON. 3872 Vine; beautiful, new, 3 breakfast set. porch, garage, heat, hot water, Frlgidalre; painted walls; lle bath, shower; open 2 to $17.50. AV 5230 J.

VILLE Calhoun and Sclolo; HudHon 2nd 3 coxy rooms r.nd kitchen with refrigerator and stove; newiv decorated; nice closets and floors: adults only. See MKH, MONTAU. CLIFTON. 2702 Stratford Ave. Splendidly located near the University.

Iwer apartment of 4 rooms, h11 tile bath, -equipped kilchen. steam hent. Janitor service. $55. THEODORE MAYER ft BRO.

MA 0921. CLIFTON Laurel A 363 McAlpIn, nr. Clifton School, conv. to U. cars; 8 rms.

and solarium newly decorated while woodwork, hwd. heat, gr. $75. MA 1181. CLIFTON- 319 Howell 4 and rms.T $50, $55 and $60; kitchen equipped; modern In every respect.

Call Janitor, AV 7886 or MA 1780. CLIFTON NEW D1GHY; DIgliy and Jose-Iin; 3-rm. one of Clifton's mos beautiful fully equip, kitchen; excellent crv. nr. II.

C. AV 5852. 4103.1. CLIFTON E. 5-tmTand 2d mod.

brick SI. living rm. 15x22, fireplace, tile bath, ample closets, Al loc, on car line; $50. WO 3333. CLIFTON 150 Wooljier; 5 rooms, bath; maid's room: Al close to schools anl car line; $40.

Call Monday, PA 5481. CLIFTON Near U. C. beautlfui 3-rm. 3l-nette ultra-mod.

heat, Frlgidalre, range, plastic walls, colored tile bathshower Janitor $.50. AJM 8 1 CLIFTON. Mayflower Apartment; modern 4 rooms, tile bath, heat, hot waler, porch, Frigid-aire, Janitor service. 3201 Vine st. CLIFTON MANOR 3654 Mlddleton 3 lobby, porch, garage; in-a-door bed.

UN 0573 R. CLIFTON -514 Riddle "rd Uniier St. Louis; 5 heat, gar. Ring side top door bell. light bath, heat, hwd.

floors, porch; 128 Nixon near U. stores, Vlne-Chrton car CLI ETON Attractive 3-rm. apt. modern near U. C.

heat, hdwd. floors, tile bath, Jan. $10. A 4718. CLIFTON Conv." "to 0.

C. lovely 5-room mod. heat, range, tile bath; $60. MA 1181. CLIFTON Mod.

choice 4-rm. heat, range, hwd. Janitor, tile CLIFTON 4 "full mod. heat, range, tile bath, shower, quiet street, nr. $50.

WO 3333. CLI FTON 5-rm. mod. apt nr. U.

heat, range, large living tile bath, shower, Janitor; $60. WO 3333. CLIFTON 3 dinette; mod. 9 min to U. heat, range; tile bath; Janitor; $12 50.

WO 3333. CLIFTON "Roslyn." "Roanoke" 350 Ludlow; choice, heated, mod. 5-nn. kllchenequipped; porch. UN 2407 CI.IFTON139-Wolper 5-room St.

Louis; first floor; maid's room: garage; hwd. floors; newly decorated. jMK 8.S00. CLIFTON-Senator PI. 4 heat, Janitor service; $75.

MA 0384. CLIFTON- 1st 5 solarium, tile hilh, rfrig. stove; sep. furnace; $55. 3331 Morrison.

MKlrose 5161. CLIFTON i23 Nlxon st. 4 2d flat; modern: steam heat; $27. MO 3439J. CLIFTON 2502 "Ohio 4 rms.

2d; car line; lge.grds. AV 9164 J. CLIFTON 918Ludlow 4 or 5 all heal; on car line. A ROURKE, 4555 Main. ME 6745, JE 001IH.

82-A ere Farm Nearly all tillable; 7-rm. residence; 2 barns and other buildings; bargain at one-half cash; no trade. 148 ACRES Near Lebanon: 40 minutes Cincinnati; 7-room residence: 2 barns, double cribs, consider city property. 125 ACRES Near Lebanon; modern 7-rm. bungalow; good hank barn, silo, Implement burn, etc: $8,500.

only $2,000 down CLINTON RATI.IFF, 414 East Main Lebanon. Ohio. Phone 393 R. 5-Acre Country Home Nenr Sharonville Near bus line: g-iod land; good fl-rm. residence, elertrlcity, lawn, nice view; $4,000, half cash.

Shown by appointment orly. CLINTON RATLTFF, 414 East Main Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 393 R. 55 ACRES Near Wcstwood; gently rofilngT 6-room house. HUST, MO 1131..

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.